Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 4, 22 September 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

LADIES’ COLUMN. i i \ l v . ‘ Whene er I l*ke my «alks abrv>ad how m3ny p»>i)r I see: Dr. W. tts w»3 the author of ja;\nv hvtnc ,a . hui tbe l©»rn ,i d and perered vefsifier was never in truer Inne than when he wrnte the lines was quote. He sa* lh© c'.ass he dfscribek, jnst «s they are seen now. and many o{ tbe caus-?s whieh in tbose days created poor people. operates in exactiy ihe same msn:ier toiiay — the ereatest ear.-> wa? nndonbteii!y lfJJUDiCIOUS buyinq, and «; <te of a.oney in nnrsuit of the wiil ō’ tbe wbps of trade. ncglect ofoi»portunities, nol ta!'.:ng a»lvantage of a Qdlckl3\LES \[lo S[«v-L PvfiT system. Good so!d on that basis mean a positive saviog to you. Thvre is no denying this, and no one ever was made poor by econmy. Wo hardiv kuow when to eoni- * irence when it gets to mentionmg ' good Our st »ck is so fnll of new gocxls I Our White Liuen and White and Co!ored Cotton Ducks are well worth menti »n. We a!so have sorae loveiy patterns of Cotton Crop(9 in Morning and Evening Shades These Crepes are new goods and will please you. Also a full line of Co/Ef\iy<q. We »vant you t*» look at ihem, SlLk Pof\flEf\ES. PoF\XlEf^ESf a’ul as for l\dqs. • we imve almost any kind you want. Xext week \V 0OL E N GOODG will be heard frora. B, F. EHLERS & C0. L. B. KERR’S ANNOUNCEMENT! I HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE ASSORT5fEST OF . FINE SUiTiNGS, ELEGANT PATTER\S, AND LATESTSTVLES. These will 5e soiJ in any Qaantif y from a

100 Tabds Dowx to Exough to Make a Sixgle Scit ! —AXD AT—HABD THE PKIPE8Ī 1«. B. kF.BH. - - importeb. Qaeea Street. Sept5-3m fip(CK ggg COKXEB OF Nuu na and BeretamaStreets. 561 /— Both 561 GOOD, KEL1ABLE uo jy27 U CIVIL DB1VEBS.