Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 4, 22 September 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]


Light shovers fell Ust nigbl The Mooowai left 12 a. ra j Tbe . closed at 10 o’eloek l • P«»wer BemUll ..f the M «owai : * s Uiauk“d for news favors, ' Band concert at Emma > ja:ire j lhifi aftemoon The time ot Jndge Perrv was i »gain occnpied to d%y hv toe ■ AchipilIow-case. A dance was given at Iad-pcn dence Hall last nigbt by the m* inbens of the Lei Ilima elah. J. alker and H. Holmes 1 represent the synd:cate whieh b:ugbttheG X. Wileoi. H. B. M. S. Hyacinth will probably return from her crui.se tomorrow. Mr. J. W. Preston of tbe Ath r (iser eUH is ru9ticating ut the volcano. The Hawaiiau I.ibera!s are a new political organiz,»tion. How long wil 1 it last? Tne Young Hawaiiau’slnstitnte have only g>t 12 officers. They huve a fair number of privates. The eugīne is sti11 pmipiug water frora Tbomas Square into the maina. — There will bo a free coucert ut the Y. M. C. A. ininterest of temperance to-night. The Monowal, Kinau, Mohol i. j Ku Moi aud W. H. Dira »nd ar- ; rived this moruing. — The CUudine aml Hawaii were at Kawaihae takiug in cattle ; from the Parker and Puohue i ranches whon the Kinau left. - A Custoiu House offici.nl left ou . the Cummins to watch tho goods i to be saved from the wrecked i 1 bark. j v * _ Tbe conspiraoy oas? against ccrtaiu sportsmen will be called j on Monday morniugin tbe polieo court. * _ No signs of Featherst>>ne although a uumber of people elaim to bave seen him between here | aml Ewa. Four officers are all that is I needed to run the Iuternational Schuetzen Club No 2. It takes fifteen to manage club N 1 1. — A eamp fire for tho members i of the Geo. W. de Long Post will I be held at Independenc Park this evening, at 7:30 o’elnek. A (alse alarm th9tthe Monowai I was sighted last night brougbt a i number of people tb town. It was the Mokolii and not the big i steamer. It is seldom that Cbarley makes a mistake. - m The J. A. Cumrains left yesterday with a wrecking crew for Molokai. While tbe Uwyers are girding theraselves fore er.dless squabbles iho wreck will proba* bly Uke a tumblo and join Mc1 Ginty. The AmeneanUnion Party will meet to-night and make nrrangements for the coming campaign.— As they do not enjoy any opposition the campaign will probably run very saioothly. i C. W. Mhcf*rUr.e has received ; & fresh supply of Dr. P Hiie s celebrated medioines for horses, catUe and dogs. He hasalso* new lot of the Uteet mostiu5to remedy in Hqo>d form and highly scented. The KaaU leaves to-morrow at ‘ g o’elook for the scene of the [ wreck on Molokai. retarning - aaaie day. Passage #5 00 for the * round tr»pu

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