Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 4, 22 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Benson. Smith & Co., The Corner ** DRUG STORE Pnre Druj?s, y Kiue Perfumes, Prompt' A.ttention, Low Prices Corner Fort *S: IIotol StA aul AHRIVED . ‘All8TKALIV" « 9 Frencb aml Gmgbatn3 (uew) .... lOo.. *J0c. aml 2.>c. Victoria Lawns (new), 10 yds for 75o. White Dr j ss Gooda (uew).. 10c., 15c., *20c., ‘2ōc., 30c,. 3ōc Wbito and Colored Dimities [new] 20c. aml 2.'»c Llaunelletts. all colors, (newi lu yds for $1.00 old maiim—“There is nothing new under tbe san’'—knocked ont. Call and be convinced. / M. S. LEVY, Who is now s>ttled in Benson. Smitb Co. ’s 01d Stand. Fort Street. HOLLISTER & CO. Importers, Wholeaile aad Ret,iil Dealers,in Pine Cigraxs, Srrxo3san.gr Toloacco, Smo3s:exs -^rtioles<. Agents for the Celebrated G. B. B. PIPBS, MADE IS PARIS. »ug7 PUEIFIED WATĒE. |IS C3ED BY T»E (X>N30UD.\TED SODA WATER WORKS COMP ANY—Limited. T3a©3rJ |2r\imis33. % t3ae Pountalns \ Tlxxo\i.grlxoia.V t3o.©l *c\it37\ EJlCEPT1>’G one &0g7