Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 4, 22 September 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

MACFABLANE .v co. h ntrrs in \Vivrs an>l S >lrits 'iaahuuima >»reet, Hoa >ia!o. H. E. McINTYKE A BRO.. Gboceiiy. Feed Store A Bakeby, Coruer of King an«l Fort Sta., Honolula PU1LUP8, l*itACTICAL PLUMHEK, OAS.FITrEB X>PPEK-SMrTH, £'37’ Hooae aud Ship Job Woi'k Promptlv Eieep.ie»!. >.o. 71 King Streat, llonolnli Dk Meī.ENNAN. Fort Stre«t, above Uot«l. Mulnal TtMfplione 6*2. f»r olHee;' 2S7 lbr jy‘2S KD. C KOWK. īfouse Si(jn and Oinamenia! Painter. ,\iaiuif.icture <>f l.iijuid Sl;»iing. 620 King Street. :o:gl LEWIS J. LEVEY, Ueul Estate and Oeneiul A iictioneer. ,J.>ruer.Fort sml Qnecn Streeta. iiouolu'u Persoa«l attention givuu to Sale c i of Fnrnitnre, Real Eslutc. Siock aml Genor.* i Mercl<undiso. Mntn.il T<Jer>hone ‘2’5S “FAT B0Y." 8 LOON ! P. McINERNY, pKOPHirroR, Fine Liquors, Wines and Beer. CoRNEH BkTH£L AXD 1I0TKL STS. Honolulu Carriage Manufactory 'bīO£ \V. W. WKIG1IT, Pkopkieīok, (Surct’.-jor to C. We*t). pAUKlAHE BITLDING *su REPAIRIXG. V/ All Ordcrs lhtm tlie Othcr Isl«nds in Uie C»rrlagc Building, THmmlop aud Painting Line v>ill Meet with Prompt Attcntion. Bl»cksmithlnK ln All lts Various Braurhcs Done. P. O. Bti\ 3.‘1 Kos. I2S and 130 Fort Street. jjT9 Iy W. S.LUCE Wine cmd*Soirit Merchaiit C!<nn /J*ll Fi rt •proof Hloek , MET?rHANTKT HONOĪ.l'I V. 71 ; B0TH TELEPIIONES ; 71 — CO NSOLI D AT ED—80UA •:* WATF.R WORKS <X>. (l.IMITTED,) Gust. A. Mauen, ’ j HAWAI!AX U0TEL BARBEH ĪAidles Sharupooing a spa'ialty. īīonolulu.. aug4. Anchor-:-Saloon \ *E.\ “AUSTRALIA,” Another Iuvoice of tho \\ orld Iionowned

FREDERICKS6UBG UGE8 BEER Oa Jraught and bv tbe kog. Also, as a Specialty, SuallFresh CAUFORm 0YSTERS, FOH OOCKT.ULS rnnjl 3m» \ 0X1(1" ALL pewon* aoi b>_ P«“ o! K»new»i "• b fc)nnd ou *Uayiag un «h« nee U*oi* vm n lōip<>«n<led « lektai wai sisg kee. Honolule, Ang. 3® 1®*- *»8 ® badl,