Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 4, 22 September 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Extra ORDWARY Good HEWS i I‘OR .... HOUSEWIVES VATR kfON ALLY !NCUSED MEN. S. Kubey & Co.. No 41S Nuuanu street. oppcs:te Central Meat M«rket , Sei-oiul Haiul Furnilure Dt*aler', have an enorou>o» amouni. of FURNITURE ! From the Co«8t Thev are ptep«revl to 9ELL the B<3t Articles at L()AVEST Pm(’KS Money is t ; ght. and none of «s have more than we know what to do with. KCBEV & CO. rralize this. and are decreasing pn>fits to suit the tlmes If you know tho value of money deal with S. KUBEY <fc CO, for in lheir st >re, One DolUr g *os further t)Ward buying FI'KN1TUKE than three at any other plaee in the town On S:iturd.»y cvonings, open to 9 r.M. Don't forgct the address S. KUBEY & CO.. Oppo. Central M. Miriut P.9. Persons having Fnraiture t> soll, will do well by c»lling on us. se»U tf T. B.' Murray h ¥d (o be IoiiikI On th«» OI«l Miaml, .\o. II Kiiig S!.—Hih as CARRIAGE ANI) (m oos On. When the “PEOPLES" PARTY” geU smashed he ! . b i will be ready to REPAIR PAISf AND TR1M IT At a Re»sonable Fignre. — No £xtra Charge for Farnishing tbem with Common Sense. LET THEM B1NG UP MUTUAL TELEPHONE 572. SAM yee hop. No. 552 Kiog Street, Dealer in Califoroia aud Hawaiian Fruits and Vegetihles, Guava Jelly, Tea aod Gr>aod Cotfee, Cigars etc jy‘2Q POUND MASTEKS SE > all penon» that n» PouikI •« iUAF ou 5eit hmd b*y h' irs6 broa-i- __ rhito aiui i vbite sp.*t oa hnul; i no braad. 1 b*r hor>« bmi(le<.l H.% oa Wi xmn<( hip. WB Aaj panoa or peniuaa ovuing the<w honei» *n» to oome aai Uka the mib« oq or betur» o'oloek aooa, SATUKDAT, 8SPT. 1«M. Wb, kaapa. Poani Me»ter. Uakīkk s»p*. H»