Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 4, 22 September 1894 — A Possible Amalgamation. [ARTICLE]

A Possible Amalgamation.

Tbore nro soiue proRpect» that tho liell Tolepbono Company finally will joiu the Mulual Company. This movo bas l»oon projected Rporadically duriug tho the past yoam but nofinal under8tanding was ever arrived at. A s Me»srs. H. A. Widemann and C. O. Berger tbe leading men in the Mutual are abroad uothing w111 probal*Iy bo dono at proseut. TLe aualgaaiatiou will bardly bo of advautago to the public r.s tbe lelephone raloR uodoubtedly will bo raieod whon tho business fal!s | in to tho bsnds of u monopoly.