Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 4, 22 September 1894 — A Warship Wrecked. [ARTICLE]

A Warship Wrecked.

Stdsey, Septcraber (J. A oable from Noumen states tbat H. M. S. Part bas just arriv•d from the New Hebrides. aml : reporta that U. M. S. i\iug;»rooraa has been wrocked to the Rontb•ast of Mallieolo. All haiuls wero saved, but the I •hip is supposod to bo a total | lOH. Tbe French warshij>s Dachaf I fault and Scortf have gone to her assistar.ee. No detaila are yet knowu. It is cxpeotoil that H. M. S. j Wallaroo will be ordered from New Zealaml. Stdxky September G. ~ ■ H. M. S. Lizard. now in Uris- ; bane. has boen ordm‘d to proceed to ihe aasisUnce of II. M. S. Hin- I garooma. The steamer Victoru, due to-morrow frotn ihe New Hebrides' will probably bring 1 details of tbe wreck. U. M. S. Orlando has beeu or i dered to Mellieolo to assist Ihe | the Kingarooma, &ud sails on Monday.