Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 4, 22 September 1894 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]


Eimon Holomua: A of the Electric i* Kailroad fake attempts to make fun of the Sohnetzen Club i - esoIutions, admitting that the resoiutious wore loose!y drawu, [uo j lawyers in the Club] it seems to have strnok a snuke’s nest. Oh ! how ‘'uucomfortubly M thoy wiggle. Working men clubs iu general aro progressive and the ; Schue(zeu is no excepiion to tbe rule, Sec. 18, of the projected : franchise is a,'gern lo iUway—read ; it thronph and yon will find ' where the Schuetzen Club shoe : piuches. Mechaxic. \