Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 5, 24 September 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

LA0IE8’ | eOLUMK. ~ / _ | •* \rhene’er I uke my walks i labrcud how many px>r I Dr. wa« the •nthmr r-f (ninv hytr"S b:it le-trn >i ar. i 4 revered ver?ifi?r was never 'n truer nne than w'nen be wr tthe iine? wrts qaot’ He snw l!i*? e j?j he d-scr.b k. jo?t s? no> are seen now, a> ; d tn my »>f the caO'S wh eh in th -'d « or-,at-ed iw pe>’;»ie, op»’rate"* in exact y tbe same fn-inner tod>y the. greatest cnr.s> " s nndoubtedl\ IHJUDICIOUS BUYIHQ, an.l wsste . f n.oney in v«ur*ait of the will o’ t;ie wi>ps ot trjde. ofoi'portunities, not ta’ ;ng adv.-intA.ge of a QJiCT. S\ues \|(D S|«\«.L P^op'l RV'tem. G->od so’d on that hi?.s mean a positive saving to y. u. ' There is no denying this. and no one ever \vas inade poor by ee >nmy. We hnrd!y know wheu to eomneenee when it gets to mentionmg ! good. Our st >ck is so full of new goods Our While l inen and hite ! aml C >!orcd C >?ton Dncks are well worth men?i n. We a!so have somo love!y j>atterns >>f Cott m Crep>s in Morning and Evening Sh >des The3>- Crepes are new g.>ods and will please ! you. Also a fn!l line of Co/EFyflq. Wc >vant yr>u to look at them, | Siuk pO^T!EF^ES. CliESlLLE PoF\T»Ef\ES. I and as for i we lmve alraost auy kiml you want. X3T Xoxt week tV 0OL E N GOODlr wiil b * heard from. B. F. EHLERS & C0. L. B. KERR’S ANNOU N C EM ENT! I H.WE JUST UEOEIVED A 7 LARGE ASSORTMKNT OF . iFlNE SŪlTiNGS, i I ELEGANT PATTERNS, - ANl) LATEST STVLES. ! The«e go>is will be ao!d in ai»y Quantity from a 1 100 Tards Dowx to £xouoh to M\ke a Sixgle Snx 1 —AND AT— - HABD TISE PBIPE8i i 1«. B. KKRK. - iupohteb, | Qneea Street. SepLV-3m (T9MMWIHL pHGK §THND. CoRXEE OP Nuu nu and BerelaniaStreeta. | 561 r~ B th Tslepkoixb> > 561 GO>D,KEUABLE asd u ClViL DBIVEE&