Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 5, 24 September 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

9 >’ c V iT’SATOSSUP ( 8ometimes n ’iop' to po t cbase sny pnrtioii ir ai» j not if yon liappen to w . ,t , ; . v . ; thing iu tbo iine of £ptists’ £uppli:s. !or enlarged portraits. t: - . ī but oue plaee in Hon ; t 1 porch:isoail innteria :»n i t KING UKOS.‘ Storo, f . u 'tbere ia no rival ou t ..o IsUnds. Tbe finest pninting> in Hiw i. are on exbibition in this •; r, Tbe firm ui.ikes a spoci iltv f enlarging portraits as w makmg pictnre frames n :’.e very latest styles of raouKling' j. In tbe sheet pictnres, tb bave thonsands to select fioin f wbicb tbey invite au inspectn a at any time. I K1NG BHOS-. Hotol Street, : : : H>n aug. 2ō-lmd y. Extra 0RDiNARY .... FOR HOUSEWIVES ar.d MAĪR'M >\ ■ ALLYINCUMED ME'L ' S. Kubey & Go.. \ Ni» 418 Nuuann slr et. oppos.te C *ntr»! Moat M: r . * Seoon«i Hand Fti t ro I 1 have irnp r‘o«l nn <*r.< r n am«»unt of FURNITURE ! »j From the C o8t J They are preparrd t«> SE'.K Best Articles at ‘ LOWEST PRICES Money is l’ght. and none « f * have more t!irm w* knnw wl. t to d«» with. KUBEY it C>. r .; th;s, and i«r<* <K.cre «s ng pr !i s i > 1 surt the t!mes If you know t!ic vi!iie« f mo . v deal with S. vUBKY CO, f«r a their st«'re, One D >il <r g >es f.rt!i — er t»wird b'iying FUK\irUKE than three at auy ot:»er p:at in the town On Saturdiy evoaii:g», open to 9 P.M. ! Don’t forget the addr. ss S. KUBEY A Oop<>. Central M. P.S. Pers i s hav g F ra‘tart; t » sell, will do wvli by e l ! r>g on us. s-lUtf Chas. T. Grulick I NOTARV PUBLie For tbe Island of Oahn. Agent to Take Acknowle«l.'ments to Labor Contr tets. Agent to Grant Marn.ige Lieen ses. Honoioln, Oaha. Agent for tbe Haw’n Is»ands of Prrr &. Scott’s i reigbt and Pafcols Express. Agont for tbe Bar!īngtoa Ilouie - ‘ Real Estate Br:ler.asii -iMkI Bc!l Tol. 913; MuL Tel. 139; P. O. Bux *llō. 0FF1CE; No. 38 M£RCHANT 8traei Houoiulu il. i - / • .....