Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 5, 24 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

NOTICEDtmng toy abseuce from tlie CG‘»'itry after tho depaituro of Iho ! for Ohiua Chin Dock will i:uve fu11 charge of my business .»ml atfairs generally. Wailukn. Se,tt. 24, 1894 Ah Chkw. To Let or Lease, A HOUSR on Ktn({ strcet. ncxt to T. R. \Valker » premi*cs. eoniainim; parlor, dinninsr room, anil tUree l>edrooms, be8idv» kUeUen, batliroom, stables and all raodern eoneeuienee», lately oc» a upied by Mr. Denison. Artc*lan water laid; rent mt*derate to respon*ible party. Addrvss ' ABRArtAM FERXANDEZ. au:; 3Mm estate of i*etelo kakoi Deceased. NOTiCK OF SALB 0F PERSON\L l‘ROPERTY. H'ving being appointed adT»in:8tr»tr x of ttie est »t-s uf Petero Kakoi. dectfi»sed, I wiil 8«ll al Pukamauiuao, M:ino:i, O.ihia on \\ e«lueMday. Scpt. 26, 1891 at 12 o’eloek m.. tlie follo\vii-g propertv: 43 Heads of C-ttle, 2 Mnl»8. 15 I|orses, 2 D->n»eys, 2 P’gs, ' 8 Omekenp, and «11 wi!d «nimalā running on leastd i«t d. Kaili Petero*Kakoi, Aduiinistrntrix «»f the estate of Pet» ro Ktkoi. H-nolulu, Sept. 21, 1894. sep'22 3ts Emplre Saloon, J.\MES OLDS, PnOPklKIOK: pine Wii\es, Liquors. Beei ajlwas on has*d. Con:er N iaanu and Hi}tel Suvsu , P-dl Tclcphon» 241. Po*t O»e* Box 107 I j HoVenfye^do. Tinsmiths and Dealers Crockery, GUssware, <S(C, WATEB PIPKS LAIO AXD PLUMUNU NEaILI executed |U) !■» Nneam» 81, SOl Hot»l