Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 5, 24 September 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

AUw»> * ii U i of tlir Vm Best PioDeerS()(ij) lu of t0„ «, 50. t3>: ' this so.\:* i' Finsst Imported H=r; SPEClAL PKIlE' V IS LOTS | JAS. A1NSLEY £ i’ii\ips Celebrated Brands cf ; SC0TCK WlllNkEl i | I Xamtly. ! Bl:N ALDOCHLAN. • Ainsleys 1 01.1) Blended G!eniivct ijGLE ,MON Est ; -. 6LENLI0N SPECIAL LIOLEIK SCOTCH \VHISKEY. iv‘is City - Carria(;3 MfQ. Co. Biacksmith Shop 107 KING STKEI.T D. 1(. BEjlT, Biacksmith Work AXD C3r/i3j> PAINTING ; AND ; .i, M' ;... fn all its BrancL ii 1 K«iCk Pricc.«. Malual r*.;Jt‘jil.on.Give u« a Ca, for yoursdf. ACUINISrRAT!0:rS ’• •* w • •>»«• THE UXDERSI(J?iED I, appointcd Admini«trator . : J ftp,/ \Kakoi. k) latc ot n dece««ed. Noticc is ken y ”iv. :i t tne *ieceaAcd to prē*ent th-ir 5ecured by M.*rti;aL r e. or antbendicatetl aml with tl,. .. ii any e\l«t lo th..- untl. i - rnouths frcm the datt- hen foreve.- barretl; and all i* rthe t>aid decvuscd ap; r> <iu -t • meUiale psyment at th > halLlA, Com..T of Ciu<.;r. Streets, L KAILI PETF1. Adrnini.-trator of th* E kakoi, (k) deeca».'d. Honoloiu, Sept II, 1-*m. K. Yj±;ji: chax. 1>EAI Er in Fiije FoPBi^in§ Fiue Tailorīn» Fine Chincsc a!td Jap: H:indkerch!* f!ioe, 31 t>> ulu, P.O. B»x 253. J. H. TRUSCHLEK, Boot Shoe 1-30 Forl tkro (. KepainnK, neat!y Done, | sole and heel vitu p> 4-., * i Half 8oIe and heel sewiuy $1 50. »a7 M£D£1R0S C). Merchant Amene.ia, EngiisL .1 nd Scofch Tt>entsuB iiand. F,rs! el. -- wurk jjB*r..Btcv>i Hot*l 6t., au.,U;r Ar;iUjjtua ;!.. ouaolaiu. S. ' v !t, ii«t.U u >- ■