Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 6, 25 September 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]


Tl.e k iuAI) «•ft J!t '2 -.'el ek 1 tbui| m aiiil M)kai‘tila «ailed to-oigbt. Jtidg< liickert »i« «ti«i f«mi'y U-iee rett.rue«l. Sents for t • I) ily -uow .tre bet;ig 1M.-.1 oti ver\ r.ij ;jiy. The Sjprerae Court sitt : r g in haneo, oj>eu‘ d its r‘ga!ar ? ss ou ti*diiy. Pr<.fesi»or H >-nier ha- returne<l to towo »ī.d will ta-.e eh. rge of the Panahou coilege. C ptain Ha\v-s, the Britisb C‘>n5ul Geti-ral is residing at the R th preralses on tbe plains l’he-.lal 'akal i has been charter d by t'ue «reckiug syndicate and left for Moloaai Ust erening. Mr. T. J. Kiug of the California Feed Comj>any will r.turn to to>vn m the M>riposa nextThursday. C. L. Caiter arrived y« sterd<y ou t!ie W.*rri.uoo a: d is -aid to have appreci ited the late imprv»vo iuents ut Waiki&i \v.u.derfullv. Tho resid-t.ee of AKxa; der Youi g has l»eeu leas' d to Miuis ter Wiil s. Mr. Young and fami 1 v c.>nteiiiplat-* maii>.g a trip to Europ ■.

Tidrty-fivo pnsouers were sent to Hawaii th:s uKemoou in the Kinau. Cnar.ccs for »s-apo seera 1 1 be bettor ther than here. _ Thc baud played «t tlio iiotel ! last night and I'rofessor Berger’s I fine !inisic was highly apj reciated ; l.y the Wan imo i j assengers. i ‘ J T King lin8 chaitērod the j bark Oakland aml will hriog d.i\vn a large stock ■fh >y and j fced for the Calif>>ruia Feod Com j pany. lf uothiiig huppens hefore t!;o lst of Junnary ncxt year, there will be a ehaiiee for t!i- t\vo telc- . j>hone comjianies t<> amalgaauite. The Malual buys out ihe’Lell. • * ,īerry C >niio.*s who 1* ft here a while ag>. tlirongh tlie assist>noe of his friends. is doing well at the 1 Hot Springs iu Btitish Co!uac.-I ; bia and lioi ei t> reg dii his j shattired hoallh shortly Who says tini» s are duli? oven wire Bai ey turned out seven te<n of his Honolulu made niattresses iu oneday. Tlie mattresses of ourse, are super:< r to auything e!se scen in Honolulu. Educational classes nnder the a' spice9 of the YM C A will opeu on tho 8t!i of Octob; r. Tl'e bigh ability «nd ch »racter of the e te. cbt rs ens >re tle p ipils a s ei <*es ful e ireer The fee «sked is very small.