Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 6, 25 September 1894 — Traveling In Style. [ARTICLE]

Traveling In Style.

Tue Pre»Tdeut of the Rep -blic of i!av ii. BalUdD -le left f>r Hawaii rhis afternocn in the Kinan. His Ece!leucv wa» escorie«l by a delai haieDt of pr s- | onen» fr >n» 0*bu Jail »11 dressed in lheir best --uit of stripes. ‘ About o~> weat to protect their chief, Thc president will oool h s srf(ering he»d iu Kohala and will probab!y g> to Paowaawaa to s-.*e if Mr. Low really des.rves a reda tion in reut. Watch ihe decorations and jobs wLieh wftl fall to tohse wh i kill their pigs for t!ia alm ghtv m tn!