Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 6, 25 September 1894 — The War in Korea. [ARTICLE]

The War in Korea.

No defnti- uews have been recei v«d from t. e s-at of war but it scoi,r t> be sore that the Japaes f rces >re m >ving Pekmg w .ih gre .t vigor, fr i»the sea as ss well as fr.ini the Ljp Chim peems to bo iu a state of turmoil The southern tr v.i ces are tef s:ng to obey the Emi er. r in L:s |>ol vy « f war and t'>e troup? orJ**ivd from T;entsiu aud oiber d;-tric’s are l ioting aiul atta« king ev. iy t. \vn and villagO through whieh tbey i>ass. The Emj)eror f Japau h>s lt-ft :-s e j>;t ! \\ith bis co> rt and tak<n >:o i>is rofcidence in ae ty tuar-r t..o sci.no <•£ \v.ir ibe Jaj) auose iwiliou is f.»ll of euttius;asm :.nd it is undor.'tood th.it their :.rmy w ili make a det rmined move to br.i;g mi a fi ;al isa.ie of the wur.

T.to Jji’>iinese navy is suid t<> have fuil control of the glf «<f Peehili. aml fl<x>ilsonIy pivvent i saocessfal .ittack oa Oaina’s ctro g iolds. Viceroy Li Hung Chan is s i-d to be in disgru«e hik! b-st Adrairal oftheChiuuse navy hasbeenc sh ier< d. The attitudeof Fr mee is decidtdly hostile jiud a decii*ra iou of war ngaiust China from Fr.mce and Pinssiu is expected daily .