Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 6, 25 September 1894 — Death of a Pretender. [ARTICLE]

Death of a Pretender.

Tht d. aU» of tue Coor.t of P«ris. | bv conrtesy. King Hecry of ; Ffince :s annouuce>l Tbe de ! ee,-.-fcd was t' e he--«d of the Or-1 le>r.» f iction of Fr«oce w|iich j i thr >ngh « eomi roraise with the | Bo> rbv n fmfly repre?eot. the royalist fartvTbe !ate eo int who w s exiled i /ro n F»«nce abont fifteen ye*rs *go w. s a mevi ! ocro stitesm in ; ! «nd i {>o >r representat’ve of the j grt-at Graily wbo«e tr.-iditions he reprrscoted son is even | wt>rse an>{ the R >yalist party in ( Frtuce has receivevl the same > • minibihiting -ct b .ck as was ex i j erieuc<-vl by the 13 iOnopartists. Ti os who tbink that the f«mily of Orleans sp*nt tlieir time in seclcsion and r*gearevery uioeh iui't.vken. Tiiey Jivi not loek tli< mselvirs up and pose as martvrs i iie acccj*tud the g<>od.s whieh vere thrown in their path and th> v thorooghly enjoyed them s* ives. Imnieu'e we«lth saved by i tlu ir father aud invested in Eng\li.sli Governu.'nt bonds eame in 1 ry handy. Th> ir Gastles in Engltnd. Aostria i:n<l Italy fnrnished \ portumties for entertaiumeuts ai\j har nless e >nspir.icie3. ’j\e F.e eh Republicmay have i y \ tbe bostil ty i of tli\Count of P«ris. It was uev> r sw-iou«'y injured. The l;\o pret.u<ler p>rtookin, Lor-> r<c\s, bo*t races and gam- : bliug of e\ ry kin<l. His deatb W.ts not e -.eil throogh a broken . h< rtor thr«.igh broken ambition. He <lied siiuUy, beca s- he was old enough depart frorn these earthly scenes\ As K;ng of France he would liave beon constantly worried by tho inij)ortunit:oA of AttorneyCenerals, Premier8\Poluical supporters and newspA)ers. As a pr t>jmler for royalVhonors he looked line nnd w.is al ruys re;id\' to j)tit !us ei >1 itor~uL)ft’ till “after tho restorati u. v \