Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 7, 26 September 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y. [ARTICLE]

Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y.

S»ptember 1<, If we remember c«>rrectly tbe “Charle?t u” was tbefi'ātof t..e j “ Whiie S.qū'drnn ' t * \ is t Honolula. Her arrival < n her secocd c:u : se is St)ll in the miinU of people wRo were here oa Janu»rv *29. 1S91. When with fi rs «t half-inast and oock-bniIt she eiitered port with the bo<ly of King K «lakaua, the kind attentio;.s shown by the offioers to the King dur i g the voyuge to the United States ami the, a - raost sacred nnnner n whieh the botly was gnanled wh lehe.ni: borne to the Is'ands, endrared the “Charleston” to the peop’e of Ha vaii. As mneh as it was ia tho {>ower of the people, t-eir api'reciation w.s siiown to the officers during t!ieir stay and whfeD saiJed they left graven on t'blets of Iove and meniory, evidences of their Aloka f>rH «- wa i. Few. if any. of the officers ; who \vere here theu ar« on the vessel now; sorae have reached the age of retirement and others have gone to other vessels bit the Cbarlestou is still greau in | the heatt of Hawaiians. . ■ Have vou ever used a P«nsy ;St >ve? We have been selling ttiem for four or five years"«nd to day they weur the ‘*YelIow 1 Coat” in the empire of stoves. j Thcy are recognized by ewry oue, even dealers in other stoves, as a superior artide and one whieh tbey do not care to run up ! against. 0f course st >ves mav be bought from people who are uot dealers. We have peop!e : rnnning here everv day or two for tire br cks and parts belongiug to etoves they bave bought from other parties, and when they find they canuot get them tliey discard their stoves und ! buy a “Pansy.” Yon see there is a disadvantage in bnying deur ! things at low pnces. C<>rao 10 us and get a Pansy at $15 00 and jyon get full value for your raoney. You do i t get a $75.00 range for fifteen dollars, miud ! vo i, bnt \ou get a first clals i : stove that is worlh Thirty dollars ' to anv one 'i Our Eeady Mited Paints are s>uted to the wants of neople who ; have a litt!e painting they \vant to do theraselves. The advantage in buying a prep.>red paint i is that you have the bonefit of the best raixors in the United i Stttes withont haviug to pay f<ir it. The piint is readv for use directly yon take tlie top otf the ean aud if you don’t fiud it eheap ) er aud better than any you em J raix yrurself we are niUlaken in i our experieuce* In California the , i>ainters are using the pivpared articlo iu preferonce to bnying Iead aud oils becmse they find it • to their advuntuge to do so W e bel eve it is <>uly a q estion of time when the painters here will fall inio line. Hanging laraps are in as p<rei»t ; demand now as ever. People seera to w:.nt sorafething for light- I ing parposes that wiil give hs good light as the sun—they fiod it in the lamps «e are giving a«>y. Our eheip stand lam{>s ure ian excelleut tbing for a servants 1 roora and wili find a readv sa!e • € iu the lsland stores. We ean | supply any demand. for a single lamp or for u thousand. There's lots of Hawai ; ans whose Kuleanas need fencing and we have the wire witb whieh i to do it- We havea!so tbe raaterial for bnilding « feuce that «iil last untii lo :g after the millenium. Instead of paymg a bigh prioe for posts, or even gei- t ting tbem for tLe cnttiog. your ienee wiil cost yoa less m>*ney if ! you buy steei stays and washers and make a Jones Locked ienee. We hav© everyttiiog yoo want 11 in tho Lardware &nd boase for- ! i nishmg goods Ime yoa wish. ' Aud we coart iavestig:ttion as to « their qaality and priees. H ii Tie Hav2iio Mfan Si' ... -*i _ .M Fort titno<