Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 7, 26 September 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

tfAW/yit/\N HoUse L. J. LEVEV Le?5ee W. R. DAILEY M-*u.2er gaturday, ?spt. -0 Will be «1 f»r the FiRST TiME \ lipiioil Sccofc Pro(liictioB OF THE Two 0rphans ! BY TliE Dailey Stock Co„ of (' tr L:l d Pi«yers, uudcr th p 'pers 'nai d rection of W. 11. DAILEY. Doors open at 7:30, Curtain wiil rise «t 8 u'e’oeii pvomj>t. Box plan will open at the oflice of L. J Lovey for the npeuing niglit ou Mondiy, Sept. 24, at 9 a. M. se22 td A Complete Huiiting Outflt. One lr a’i S tter b : tch of tlie I best blo xl in A««ier «a; reg ster*-d !t» tiie A. K. S. B. *»ud p rtly i broken. One Pointer b ; tch by the eele-br«t*-d <j!enbeigh th »t e sf ?=)000 m E(igl<*.nd. O.ie Pup five \veeks o!d fjther and n*othe r tiioroiigt»breed3. Oue B.ickb »ard b iiltC3peoially f »r bantmg purj*ose3. f One 12 giiige I<. 0. S n th gnn yg»• *d i:S ne » aiid III fin>* order. i le ubove o«tfit will be sold eheup 1q’iire uf ( W. H. CUNNiNGHAM, Aochor Saloon. sepl9 tf NOTICEDuring iny nbsenco from the C0i«»»try nfter tho depnrtaro of the “0— anie” for Ohiua Chin Dock \\ill bave f»ill charge of niy basiuess :ind aff.»irs generally. Wailuku, Se t it 24. 1894 Ah Ciiew. r l’’o or Leuse, A HOUSE on King strecl, next to T. R. \\alker» ('imiiw*, eonlilaine dinning ruo(U, «n.l three bcJrooui-, U-sid*s kileli.n, buthroom. Mabl« and »11 nu>Urru i-onvrpiencx a, l»u*ly oc u|>ivd by Mr. D*-uison. Artrs>i»n w»irr l»id; jx-nl motlcr»le to re»blt- |«rtv. A(ldrv*8 AHKA.lAM FF.RNAXDEZ aatr 1 iu ESTaTE of petelo kakoi D ee: s d. N0TICE OF SALE OF PERSONaL PROPERTY. % H«ving being appoioted ndTiinistr:*tnx nf t<ie est «>f Petero Kakoi, dec?..9.*«l. J will sell at i’uknmauiuno, Mnnoa, Oihn, on %% eduea>day. Srpt.20, 1H9I i at 12 o'eluek x., t:.e fuilowiig propertv: 43 Heads of C. ttle, 2 Mnlea, 15 Horses, 2 Dv»osevs, 2 P gs, ’ 8 Ciiickens. and ail wt)d aaima , s runuing ou leased !and. Kaiu Peteeo Kakoi, Ad>«.i'iistr..tnx of tue of PelerO Kikuī. HnK'lulu, Sept. 21, IS94. eep22 3ts — j t, - =. t Empire Saloon, OLD3, pxoratrtox: pine Wixi8s f Liquors. Bee3 alwas os haxd. CutMrp»aaA&a uJ liuiei Stn«U PuM O&m &«; w