Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 7, 26 September 1894 — POUND MASTER'S NOTICE. [ARTICLE]


'* } Notice is hereby grn to all persons that th>-re are at tbe ■ Q.>\>r»uueut Poa nl at Matiki r. 1 red bors-. bn»*.ded K v «>nrig »t * u bi»nl b'p; 1 br».wn M »!:»», ba»l . no hra-.d; 1 red lu»rse, bra <ded “ 8L ou r ght l»īod b«p. l»rau»i—aun tno«n uu ieft bind b.|», aud n i >8 . wb>U* sp»»t ou forebcad. Auv |>er80B or per-«oas ovniog | j tbcse h»>rsHf«. >«re re\iacsttHi to e >me and t->ke the a.»>tie on »*r | !a.*l»>re 12 Uoou, Sat adav. i UctobttT li. lS3i. Uj Wia Kaapa, A P“» 'ul Maxt**r. AUkAi &p- aej>*ti 1 *