Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 7, 26 September 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Hemoval T Hiistaee & €», h.WE moved to — Morgan’s - Auctlon - Rcoms for«»bort titne We «««n *tSttag "

Departure Bay COAL CUABCOAL, ALGEROBA and kindling \VOOD • _ ln acf qaantlty. Both TeI«pboncs 414 M0 POUND MASTER’S NOTICE. Notice is hereby g!ven to all pe” 0 "* there are at tbc lijrrmmexxi Ponml •. M.t j kiki, two str.yed bnU*. l bhl ' bl ‘ bnmifJ Kon right hind leg. 1 pmeo ball brand indiscnUbl« ou \nr persou or persons owmg tbese boUs tre nqa«ated to cotue aud r tefore 12 odock noon, hAuluUi, iEl'l. J.WIES KUKONA, Ponn.l MasU-r. Makiki, Ang. 30, 1S1H. au g 30-lwdy Pioncer Shirt Factory

A. M. MELLI8, Proprietor, '518 Forl St., Honolnlu, (Up«t»Irs) Good Fit -■ ’ CONSOLIDATED SOD v WATER CO. (Limitted.) ESI’LA N A D E : Cor. Allen an«l Forl M*. ; ; lionoluln HOLLlSTER & C0., AgonU. F0R 8ALE. A FINE “ MIDNIGHT ” STALLĪON 1 colt heloneinu to P. D. Isonberg. Tlie colt ean be seen at the PaNTHEUN SfABLE ; from to-morrow. *L The White House! 118 Niiuauu Avenue, HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS Firjl-cta® [ioa0e IN’ EVERY EESI > ECT. Rooms from $1-50 to $3.00 per Weet “ or 50c. per Day. PAUL LEMKE, PROPRIATOR. Bell Telephone 132. aug 22 NOTICE TO Yisitcrs, Pieme Parties. Lnans —AND— j GEXERAL PUBL1CI Ax Smith’3 Bjs a\d Liverv Stable, Kino Stp.p.f.t. | [Adjoir.ing Metpopolitan Meat Market.] I* the Cke»pest Plaee in Totm jou ean get Wagonerie*, Buggies and Ha;ldle H<>rees. It will pay j«n to eall and seo before you trv elaewheie. Mntaal Te!ephone 408 augl-tf = Cali|=o(((|ia Mv\I<ēt, Etc.. Cort»er King *nd AUkea Stre«u. / * mf lfl! MīAnp By ETery St««ner !ro« Sao Fr»n- * eiaeo, wiu Fresh Fruit, Oysters, Salmon, Erc *»©•. - Etc., Etc. *** ts