Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 7, 26 September 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

M\CFAKLANE Ā C0. Dea 'ers in Wincs awl Spirih K*ibnic>iaa St«et, Homlnin. H. E. McINTYRE <fe BRO., <i»:ocERT, Feed Store ā Bakeey, Corner of Kinp» an<l Fort Sts., Honolnln J. PUILL1P8, FRACI1CAL FLDMBSB. GAS.FITTER JOFPEE-SMlTH, 137“ Houso and SIiip Job M'ork Promptly Executed. No. 71 King Street, Honoluli. 1)k. MeLENNAN. Fort Street, above Hotel. Mulnnl Telephone 0H2. f>'r offlce; 287 lbr residence. jy28 KID. C ROWE. Ho\use Sifjn . and Oinamen(al Painter. Manuf.icl‘jre of I.iquid S:aling. 020 Rirg Street. augl LEWI8 J. LEVEY, Keal Estate and Oeneiiil Auctioneer. I 0oruor.Fort nnd Qnccu Stret>U, Houoīuiu Porsonal atteuti>>n g’von to Sales of Farmtare, Real Estato, Stock hu«1 Geueral MercLandise. Mnlmil Tcleohi>oa 238 FAT BOY.” S LOON ! P. 5IcINERNT, rr.oPRiETOR, Fine Liquors, Wines and Beer. Ookkee Bethcl and IIotel Sts. ! i Honolulu Carriage Manufactory \V. W. \VRIGHT, Pk»i*rietor, (Successor to G. AV«st). PaRBIAGE BUILDISG and rep.\iris«. All Onlcrs from thc Other Islajid>- in the C«rriagc Buildiug, Trimining and Faiiiting j Line «ill Moel with Prompt AUeniion. i Blacksmithing in AU Its V»rions Branchea Donc. P. O. Box Sos. 138 and 130 j Fort 8trect. jyWIy W. S. LUCE Wine and Snirit Merchant CiinpheU Fire-proof MERCHANTST. HONOLHLU. 71 :BOTH TELEPHONES: 71 I —COSSOLIDATED—*OD.\,-;- WAIEK WORKS-:- CO {Limttted.) * Gust. A. Mauer, HA WAJ1AX IIOĪKL BARBEU Ixidi(s Shampooing a specialty. Honohilu. aug4. Anchor-:-Saloon Ex “AUSTKALIA, ” Another Invoice of the \N orld Renowned FREOEBICKSBUHG UGER BEER - On draught and by the Also, as a Spociaity, Suall Frc.sh j 013TERS, KOU OOOKTAIL8 mayl 3ms XOTICF<. , persons are wan»** «*>» toparm!t lw>ir aivim»!« k> lil ■P** 1 <•« Und* mewai aud Kam alāl». bcloDgmg lh« HTiS5.«aucded or ahuL. LENTaI wai sing KBE. ii*AuIc, JP ao t>