Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 7, 26 September 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

8RUCE CARTWRICHT I ot a Fi.hiei*ry XAtcrv Trsasaete«l. Prvtupt «ueoiion givea to tb« ni*UAgfmtn« of EntAtes. G'iardūas'aip«. Trn«ts. etc.. «te., etc. Ojh >«, ; Ca. iv:ri'jh( Building, _ M>-r?Ljnt S:r«et. Hon •'oln H. MAY & Co., Tea Dealej;sr~ Coffee Hoasters AM> Provisiou' Merchauts 'N Fort Srreeit. - Houolulu Fa:nilies, Plantations anJ Ships supplied with choicest Enmpean &Amcrican Groceries C ilifornia Proclnce by £ver)' Steamer. Mercliaut 'iCxclian«:e Comer King auo Nauann Streets. S. I. 8 :! A\V....Proprietor. The Finest selection of LIQUOUS and ULKU, sold auywhero iu the towa. Firat-elass atteudance. Call and judge for yonrstif. no 113— tf. LEW13 & C0.. V»hoiesais snd Rstail Gro AND PHOVJS[ON DEALEHS. * FRESR CALIFORNIA SALiI0N ONICE By Every 6m Fraucisco S:eamer, Salt Salmon ix Bauuels a Specialtt. iii Forl S/., līonolulu. Tel. 240 , P. /7. Box 2Q7. CAL1F0RNIA Wine Company 407 FORT STREET, Mclnerny Block. % JOBBEKS OF AVINTILS, and SPIRITS KENOLUN, PH0T0GRAPHER, Nanani» aud Paaahi Streets. Cabinets. 13.50 Per Dozen, “ 2.00 Per 1 2 Dozen, 8x10 $5,o0 Pt-r D. zen, 3.50 Per 1-2 Dozen. Dry Goods and Chinese Silks. ī(almliLi:-: jlotel Kahului, Sac Si|ici, PBOPRIATOB. sepl 7-ll rtTOS- LINDSAY 20S Mer :baui Str eL Honolulu. Xew Store , nex Jewdry Gold , Silvtr and Diamonds. J j w«lry Miuuf<ictare to order. W«lehes e o.iued aud repaired. iu aud mapect^j