Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 8, 27 September 1894 — The Situation [ARTICLE]

The Situation

Wa>bingtoa, September 19.— The eo firmat ry uews received b>-day by Secretary Gresbvro of the drfiat of t t Cbinese by land and sea, with tbe fnrtber notice , tbat telegrcpbic eommnniealion ‘ between P« king an<l Corea Las ‘ been cnt of tb«* Japanese. is 1 taken here as »n evid«-nce tbat « tbe Chīnese forces are »n a m se- | rable pligiit. Tbe sm*ll remnsnt i nf an am y in Corea is cut off < 1 from re-enf >r< eme .ts by sea us a < result of thedefe*t ot the Cbinese < fleet »t the rao ;tb of the Talu ( river. They eanu-1 commanic*te I with Jbeir own Government by ( wire, and a« tbe'r eseai*e fr< ra i the C<*rean peninsula by the 1 nnrtbern overland ronte is pre I the seiz irc of tbe moun- ( tain D«isses by tbe Jaj<anese tbeir , surr*-nder appears to be inevita- , ble. Tbe «Japanese, tberefore. are , now in furce on t ! ie l*order and e *astof tbeirenemy, and >m e<rlv * ■ transfer < f tbe sctue of w«r from Corea to Cbini is looked for bv «rmy offie rs, unless the move- : meut should be i)ivveuted by tbe : eariy advent of winter. The < military experts believe that as aoon as tbe remaining Chmese tr ops in Corea bave surreudered Japan will trausport tbe m;»iu body of tbeir trooj sby se i from Ping Y.<ng to tbe Manchuriau und making rapid advanco i on Moukden, the e.ipilal of tbe j province, will so.m be in pos tiou to organizs a campaign on Pekiug iiaelL It is believe here tbat the ! Chine.se forces are almost demora lizsd, and that tbe ouly obstacle to the triumphaut campaign of tbe Japanese, apaii from tbe inclement winter of Nortbern Cbina. is to be looked for iu the interfereuce of tbegreat powers. Tbere is reason to believe tbat the foeliag is gruwing iu that tbe war bids fair tu gu beyond its present bounds uuless sume iufluenee is bruught t > bear to eheek it, and some nations li>iviug large interests in Cbimi bave laien the alaiui ulready.