Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 9, 28 September 1894 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]


" L: r *" S.ttnrtl «y ' Ad io its 5t -ra of The Er.ECTF.ic pKiNeni.^E. .henīL tbe coln*n*», * VN h t tlie _ i.r j ctoca iulen«l to (V' f»r Kono- ; I 1 N *• on eem 1 ng it ov*-r , »lie '•p-«»ple t f Honol'«ln «»rr evidentlv not in it. *nd the lie.t«l • - _ li n . ~ f-• ,o ld bave heen * 'Vl« <t t ie xtors intea<l t> do for «e v«*s * S t n 3 s»v-— The nj»it«I -t ek i f the cmi!'<>nv sh« I l»e * ‘iiō 0) > >>f whieh £125 000 sli.ill 1» ■ >i«-»--«?s- b!e. Aft-r -tatmg the li>b lity f sh»rehold-r3 f .».--e-s-ib e st 'c»f. t 8<v-i * X*iīe 3 * * , I non a--ess«ble stock m«v b • is . — ed l»y tiie Jirect rs for the eo i.j>ens «ti »n aml pr-*fit «»f the 61 . . n Jert >ker- aml j>r •niottT- of tiie 0| # . <>l>j ct- f.T wliieii thecompauv is ' foniie I ’i hen f rt!ier ;t'ong it m\c ‘ T e st<ck inay be issued i * * j » ab -ve j>r vij- i. w t i a ]>iefer- ,-> tal or q i;« ified right to divi'le«uU. To m,«ke th s a little i-!:iu«er we wiil st.ite the j»rupo- ! sition iu anotber way. l ;r-t. tlie nn<lertakers <nd proV .ii ters —«nt C.«D 'Jiau geut euien \mJ two fr-»».« Koiiolulu g t $125, j Y>03 in st ick for *‘i>ro«noting ’ t!ie , T iis Jo<-a not cost them oue coj'p"r. anJ it is nn*88-o-aih'e. Nmv, diviJing th«t by , HiglV l inak -s .S15,000 n j» : ece ami ')0 V vei l >r —*v«ll. “«ork ng” »■ xj>< * \y.s. Re«nenilier we are ; only %vlning llie st<>ck ut 5*1 00 I pcr sh. ; tre, a vory low qnotation. T<io uĀual piau iu Briti»h Colj i .;mb a ok- *‘proin<>t"ng” a eoma y i- toVir.-t iss io a i>rospeet"S ( wiiieh staS)s the list of promiV ■ [if they bnve a t ttle so in<vh t!>«i better]j who i ve 8ubxcrilV<l t<» the stock. Tii s.* \v<m!J l\tli«M’;g! t peut e- . u im< 1 ,V, tbe io ota ’ v. u<1 uggr g«t«* y?125,000, Of •’ nrso the.se s«me l>f-is ns ur«- Ji- ■ re«’lor.s. Their f*emls aml the nhlie are tlu a ilvited tu snb ; cribc. It is u t>o>k»e -ui.poseJ t‘mt tliesj e g!it gei\jemen aie going t > allow theii\rie uis t > • >uy their unassess bl\ stock. Oli, no, tliev j>refer to ke\) that 1 i>r the j>r*ferred or qnYlified liv; b«n ls, b >i s<»iiteb >w or\tlier iii:isse-s.(ble stock si*lls b\tt r ta u t at to wliie.i li biliticifatt;»ch. lt is s«ich a uiee thing to ; tell y<mr fr en ls t iat yo i will let ; them in on tiie grounJ fioor-oi.lv ; f«r th«ni to fiuil out 1 ter t!iat t'iere \ver • some other fell ws in : !i * b isera ul. - i We no v e »uie to the j»roposed r » te, bat :u»t h iviug »uv mip we >vill tak * lhat uj» «little furtlior ou. V i l whi'e reaJing theso s icti<>us ve womlep w!;.it aro in all tlie , >tlier jwrti >ns of the franchiso , I vl»ich :«r« left out Tiie Adt'erli#er | : -ays, it pahl s'ies <»nlv the «uost , import mt j»arU. Woat is tlie <u «ttor with j>ublish'iig it al!? Vre tlie pubIie not iutcresteJ or i ;s th s «nothiT caso lise tliat of t i» imm >rt,il \\ Hiam Vauderbilt *' Fhe jmh:ic be d — d?” S> cTo > 17— lh * c.»mpany sh i!l ■i.ivo tho right t > buv; s«!l, man i- j :‘u*turc tlectric m >tor- stc., aml i el ctrio.il appliauces uf -11 kiu ls « J to be g*uer.«! Je«lers iu elee- •: tr Cal s'.i]«plt9s aui aj»;> ir.itus of I »«v kul w,i»itev *r. W<nt J >es -his iūj»as' If they op*u ap .-» i st ».*o tbey o git to j»»y tho ve.»r- 1 ;lv lie ■us *aul t »e »ua »*« t »xas oa j , -aeh g«wis. But j»erh »]>s this « n»y meau tiiat tbey sball h *ve ) i»e exda»ive r ght to deal iu elee- 1 trie »l «-u j»lits, and is it deftly j iustrted i th s exclusivefr.ia- » bts»sovst) shot oat all oppo [ 'iti>m ia this line. See Sect oua * j iiaml 3T i ___ i

Sec!i«»n li. Th • s»id Coarp.inv >!» ll e.ia iie C3 t ie coa>tr’ ctiou >f t e s-»ivl tr.«cks orru»Iw«y linei n t Utur thuu one ye.»r fro»u ihe 1 »te of ti»e ch«rter i»ereit» graat- ! y i, uui sb’»ll c<>tu;»lcte uui h iFO :uor ug «iy equi,>ptsi. uuiia ra iing o;dor. noi let» thaa fifteen «u es of s«ch tr»ck or rjiiwuy w.tu«a t*o yeurs fro«n lh«? »a«d i«U‘, u 4>l if t ib 8td C>Q)»ay su«il f»i U» e » iij> y w th the {•*»>• v{sious hereiu ai«*ie. ia th s re g tri, they sh«ll forf< it tbe rig t [ U» u#o uud oocapv any str.>cts „ot ■ t t!i t t.iu, ! u>ei or ooeupiei bv :b.* u inbs> aa er-.>ivo» of t!»i t »oe h reiu •specifi_*d ahill b) ; « r uo'vei to the u by t le Kxecak:ve I Cvtt~cd, b-i iioL»y<» to itū<

g«tion. slrike- or other caase f r whieh t!»6 s.iid orapany i? not re8j»ot»sible, »fter jliliggsc6y «hāil* tns foregoing time »imit. Thi» is tbe .sraoolhes- section r»f »11 and t • e msider it. one !nnst be keej iug in rniud the “}>romot- !• g” of tha Cou»panv «9 stated. Tney sh •11 eounenee the eon»tractii<n in one year. N>w the jmbIiC was ltd lo baliev« these Brit»sh Colnrabi» men ha«l imraeuse sa «>s >t the rc»ll some of Uiem we kn<»w h.-»ve an<l fh.«t tbey would g ■ righi <t »«uce, Uiāt } .-t aa.v.on <«S lht-v g"t a fr.n«cbi>e the pc .r h<K gry l.»boring «ueq āf H noluln wo «ul be shovul*t)g dirt in ne v gty’e, ba*. .Mr. E»litor. tl«e .*»s-e-Sable sluck hasu’t beeu . sol«l yef. Th«-y h:»ven’t iud««ced tbeir friends t • eoa e iu an<l bny bre.«d for the labor ng m-u. Il takes Valo«b e : ss»ss.«ble stuck s f>ot t < l»e Svnt begging. It uiu.st be workfd «tf t«» the best aJv:»nlage —aftcT Ihe unassessi»ble stuck is s»»lJ. aml it inay ta»e a ye.A to oj»en thee}es of ou. friends (?) lu Britisli 1 obia to t i*- be oties ;»nd »... .» .«ches »<{ this ; ssessab!e stock. Aml if u \ ear :s uut loug enoiigh il is so e.-«sy to <1 g uj> « few rods of Jirt au»J h.*«ve so«uo gentleraan —who is sapposedly an obstructor of all thuk benelits tho puhlie - make appliealion for an injanctiou un«l by the collosiou of attorn»‘VS jmt otf the cuse ankil eno gh stock was so!J or nll the i.nassess:ild«- stock was des t >osed uff aml the j»oor unfortunates who h«»l bought it c<»nld fight il out or let it go —Frov-siou is m:»de np the 1 >lter j>;»rt of sectlon for jnst such litig»tion. The snmi s«cti <n suysthat within tw ’ ye >rs fifteen m;les of such tr.<ck mast be laiil, it fiils to st.«te whieh way tliese fifteen «uilrs <ire to ruu. Now suj>pose they start fr<»m the iuikiai j»oiut aml rnu three miles —wit i oue inile of s:detracks—then they eo ne back to the starting poiut branch otf aml ruu two iu les wita a ha.f niile of si»le tr. ck, nud the sain« tbing s il .ne iu another direct;ou. t ieu thev c<»!tiiuēuce st tlie ter«ninus, whiuh wīll a uentral «lowu towu p >iut and tlie saire tb» nis Jone t ga;n. Tbe resull wil be that yon h >ve a system of r<; ds. li-e t e ti:igcrs uf oms hami, reachi< over tiie ]>riucij)a 1 tliorough fares, but uone makii>g the 1 »>]> —and all the risk they assnme i.-yif they fa.il to co:upiy with the i>rovisions made, in the frauchise iu t!i>s ivga>d they s!i <;l furfeit the r ght fo use aiul ocruj>y a«y stivets, nut at that i >e imJ or cccO)ūd them. Great Sc <tl! >v n»t geuero sity. Weareafr«id the corjioration will uevr live to sce the 10 d eomp eted. lt uill die with enlarg ii ent of the heart. No*v *.*. h:»t e.»rtliy use uouU thos«stre ts be to any one el-e? N>> co«u]iuny eouU ever be orgauiz d t • t ke «»p tlie ieavings of th s ro:»J. T iey have gobled up the j>riiicipil tii and j»eo j>ie uh « !«ve aud oun j»roportv on ihe o tside w u J simp y h <ve tn wait t 11 this comi auy g t good :> 11J r- ady t> bu 1J at»«i receivtJ [ tlie rig it to Hxteud their ro d What u pityL-zarus j}«raight have lived a Jm.o while !o; g->r ou these cnpubs from the nen lueu’a p ntries. Sectiou< 33 ami 34 ««8 sole!y to give them the p wer to co»s lidate, witb, bny. lea<e. take our or ot' er>vj-e a»q ire uny street ra l»ay or electric l*glitiug apparut *s now io 0}«er.itiv) i or whieh after eume iub) existence.

vv/u«v i ut«» Now. Mr Ei tor, tbis we 6lrougly obj«ot to. The wh.»'e vurse uf the L n!trsl Sutes to d«y »s the c ns lii «tio » of eap tal ani tbey »re Ugslating »«g;ins,l al e mbiaatiuns. 1Y th ih t ex am e bef ra the n d» t .e pēop’e ufH)j aU to pai th«ir neck> iu ti e saaj»* y ke? oroi>.u l:ons ar» pl«ntif«j enoogh uiiū >iy on t< es lala i& atd tLe j oople throngi ihe r reprea-cu-tiv. & aho'i!d try a d get rid o! 1 , tbo>e they aire»dv h«ve and figb' ' bt4tia »tilv ag „j.rst tbe for.uat:on of new on-6. Now he.*e ia this tranehise do _ «e s-e utthing that n fiU the (6 « le f Ho ;o a u prub.ibly t'.is is o e f ia« v n « p rtiut th » ga { ii4toaliil iho JLd'JivUatr. Uwes ;4 J

t S'\r on? w r d vto *h«t f tres :' ahail ch >rged. Tti*J pleo- _ tv froT» jh» people ftnd' tbey ur gtt to gtvd 'Vbjr oot i»sert in the cb:»iV* > th»t not m >re thao five ceats sh>11 b« chargeU for v ritle and that vbere it is j>ossib'e f->r the l>-rs>>u nding to eonūnue h s j*><irney orer anv other p*rt of the stme svstem tbat a transfer eheek will be given Ih'-m f>r 'hieh tiO extiu charg>? will be Gir* the people someth ng. The Schoetzen clnb was right Don’t give any charter antil the work is nccepted. Mike *t all oul reaJy lor de!ivery b ā pnt it in the h mds <>{ 000 of tbe b.ifcks to be delivered t» the eompan\- i{ they do what is rig >t. If o t, turn it imek to the g vern raent and let tbe people h«\> the benetit «f ihe work already dooe lf tl»ey (oean to do what is right tni3 w .n’t h irt them. Thev ean get a certifieJ copy and take oek to brilish Coiarabia t<» sbow t ; ieir friends [ ) where tb*y sell the ?t«ck. A 0 rtitied ehee-k in jnst as goud to a b isi ness man : s the cash. But that •5.25,000 unas?essabie stock haa g t to bo made. Nothing to lose—everything t*> gaiu. Not a dollar invested and that beaut fully litbographed uu assess ble stock iu s ght, It :s wouli tryiug-for Mr. Edit*>r. It is wnrth tryiug for. It is not uaual 10 crack j«kes at n m 'mentuous qu stiou 1 i<e this but tbe propositi'>n for this cbisive franchise reminds us of > stoiy «f t>r> neighbors, Biil Story and Tora Kassel, wh > had h>d many a transaction together bnt in spite of aii of Bills schera ng Tom u!ways got the best of t( e bargain, whieh rankled in : Bill9 bosom. Oue night B11 drearaed that he aud Tom were dead aml bxd asc> j nded to heaven, md in teliing the dretra to a friend he said St. Peter told him . that wlmt ver i>e asked f>>r wonhl be granted. He said to himself 1 “Now ī hnve got the everlastiug eineli on Tora Kassel, it is my fir»t r,ay. He can’t get the ,best of me this tirae. IM knoek him out." So he told St Pcter he w.mUl t ke the earth. His fnend said “Woll. Bdi, did yoa b at him? N>, Biil ans'vered, Tom K; ssel got the b.st of me nsnul , lie iisked St IVter for «ll the sUvet r.ālway frauciiises. Yotirs truly, A Schutzen Club Lftwyer.