Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 9, 28 September 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

«sr IXSURANCJv«l FIRE AND MAPI THK Ni'ER5I'«Nr]I> I'' Al TH» EIZEI> T ) T\KK KIRK ,%nd MAKINK KISKS ON L*uildin<rs, Merchandise, i Iulls« Carcroes, Krei<zhts and Commissions At Curreiit Bates, iu the iollowii xamkly: BOYAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LIVKKPOOL, ALLIANCE ASSURANCK FIRE & MAKINE, LON WILHEI.MA OF MADGKBI RO OENEK \L 1NSU1

ORDWAT & PORTER, Itobin*m Hloek, Hoiel St., hetween Fort and Xuuanu, •Have Jnst Eece : vd.jer I »te lle t j i/Cft tlcck ef fLI NITURE Ever lrn}>orted to t ris Conutry. Comprising H.i ndsome Carved Bedroom Cets ln SoIid < ) aU'. and of Ihe LA TEST DESIGNS. BSP£CIAL ATTEST10N* IS CALLED T0 THESE SETS: WJCOK.BR ‘W„a. ī*. E, teaut ful Des gus <>f Witfi r Ware, cousisting of S0FAS, OfLUKS. KOCKERS, etc.,you ean get these in ?ny FIMISH vou desire. Countless numhen of CH.\ 11{S, in everv styIo, iucluding 0FFICE and HIGH CHAIRS. We bavo had a mun\>er of calls for theso T;d>les, with CHAIRS to match.\*We havo now in stoek the ruost BEAUT1FUL WNING ROOM FURNITURE E\r.R SEEN HERE. /? Sideboards and Cliiffbniers 53” 33 I IXT ā=» „ D vans covered vvith FORTIERS are bccoraing the rage in }»luce of LOl NGES -\rn ui mufacture i.'.ēiu to order. aml ht/ve a laige sfock of PORTIERS to sokct fronl. EEDI:i2TCr. Gre; t Assortrm nt ofWOVE\ WIHE MATTRES.SES—Spring, lL.ir Moss, Wnol and Straw Mattrosses on band aud mado to ordor 1.1 VE GEESE FEATUERS .i d SILK FLOSS for l’il ows. CRIBS, CRADLES. etc. Wl>iDOW SHADES uf all colors and s:z s. OORMCE B01.ES. in wood or L»r ss trtunuiu> r s. o B 3P.A. IKI ET.O-, Mattresses, Lounges aud all L’pholstere>I Furuiture repaired

ivasonab!o r; tes. i CABINET MAKINO, iu all its bmucho3>by C<>mpetent Workmen. MATTi>G LAiD jh«1 lut rior Decor ti g ui der rhe Sapenrisiou of Mi. GEORGE OKDWAY Our Lootls io E rst C1 >ss. aud < ur prices are iae Iowest Corue and i>o c >uvinced — a tri d is s >lic;ted. Bell 525. TELEPHO.VEs: Mutuai 645. ORDWaY .V POKīEll R<>I>iuRon Block. lw>tween Fort and Nnnanu Telephoves: Bell 3o 1 |Mutual 417 Besidksce: Mulual 410 P. O. Box 117 F. B. THOMAS, - 1 * .'■ C0NTRAGT0R aml BUILDER Mstimates Qiven on All Ivinds 07 sna i nm huhgs All Kinds of Jobbing in the Building Tradc, Attcnded to. KEEPS EOR SALE; Brict, ume, Ceiaent. Iron Stone Pijie aud Fittiug8, . Gld A New CWrng*ted iron, Minlon Tiles, Va&rry ii.es, assorted s»jMis au»i culors; .. _ ,. Caiilouiln aud Momere\- Sand, Gmmte Cun>mg and Biocks. ete.. eie. OFFICF A Smith Su. wrFlCF YARD. s 0it.ee Hours, b to sa M.. ( * *0 4 P |f.