Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 10, 29 September 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

V 3». >r * 5 j iT’SATOSSUP Sotnetimes where to go to parchase any pnrticnl«r Hrti'le, hut not if yon happen to wtnt <%n\tbing in the line of A?tists' )5upplies, Picture Fra~es or enlargeti portraits, there is but one plaee in Honohiln, to pnrclmse nil m.tterials, aml that » KING BROS.’ Store, for whieh there is no rival on these IsUuds. Tbe finest paiutings in Hawnii, are on exhibition iu this gallery. The firm makes a specialtv o( enUrging portraits as well as makmg picture frnnies in the very Utest styles of mouldiugs. In tbe sheet pictures. they have thonsands to select f ro»u of whieh they invito au inspeeti>)n at auy time. KING BR()S , Hotel Street, ; : : H»nolula ang 2ō-lmd!y. m. A Complete Hunting Outflt. ■ One lr’sh Setter b tch of the best b!o**d in A'iter 0.1; r*‘g ster>d mi the A. K. S. B. and p rtly broken. • One P<iinter b'tch br the c**'e-br-<t* d Q'enbe gti th <t e st $1000 ■11 Eiigt«nd. 0<ie Pnp five weeks «»'d Uther «nd molhe»- thi'r<»ng'ibrerd:». One B cWbi»ard biiltesjie' ially f'»r houtmg pnrpu3es. One 12 g 'Uge h. C S n th gnn «s g »"d »3 ne« Hi.d 111 fin** '•nk*r. Tne nb"Ve <mtfit wili be eold cbe»t|* Ei;qnire t>f W. H. CUNNINGHAM. Ancbor Saloon. sepl9 tf NOTfCE. D. Howard Hitchcock h's re* opened hie clnsses in drawing and painting at his Class Room on Hotel St. CIass instrnctiona given every Wednesd:iy aud Satnrday froui S P. M., to 12 p. M. Ap|iIicatou for tbe full term shonld be made at onee. 1* CARD OF NOTICE. Scharf <k C ».. will remi*ve t * Ar* lingt <n B-i»ck lfotel Street. « her< they will be better able t > serve •»nd please their Patrons. Wlll keep on hand all the p«pers. B »ok 8lati<»nery. Perii)dicj!s <t Soveltie8, in ali brauches of the trade. ?e 14 tf POIINO M \STER'S NOTICE. Notice is bereby given to all persons that th<-re are et tba Government Poa'td at Ma*»ki. 1 red horee, br»mded K \ oo right hiud hip; 1 brown Mare. h>»d no braiid; 1 red horse, branded 8L on r ght hind hip, brand —au* known ou leffc hind h:p. aud * «hiia sput ou forehead. Any pereon or persuna ow i g thoae homea. are reqoested to enme and uke tbe aame on or before 12 .•'eloek noou, Saturday, October 6,1894. Wm. Ka.U’a, P<mad >la.ster Scp. *i. lau*. >' 1'