Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 10, 29 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

IWamiu ffalfttdar. v7 •. SEPI 29, 1894.

vi wi:lo ;i» port. 5vval vtssn> [ 15 M > ntb * Ma - V ’ B - c - MIHTHA VTMEV. v,t. n .- sr Thomjw»n. S\n Fran. 'W. n s »•. P*l H*Wf. 'V Tr*n*it, Jonr«i*n, 8 F. m> \m»*li >, M ;inl. K >n*kR, l’.v ; i.k M»rtb» Dttvids,CemAX B. C. i ..,W<5 lr c n Wuli m», 8f. i. • ; Kalb NeM-aMlle. . ST*Ibot,B nhm.NewewUe X S W. {[ Hitbet, >ori*on. SF. , k . ..ini, Bro«n. Xewca'tle. X8 W ik C D Hry«nt. J.icoW-n, S F. . . K’i.« (’Un lm» N’ekn, F*«rt W. k .“ •,* M M I*im.>nd. NilK>n, SF. FOR H(i\ VEMCLM rXP»:( TED. , P , i,k W S Phelp« ...Gray’g Har Due . V 4i« 8 h 'Kpt 23 - \[ > ' M»nt>rwa ...Svduey H‘j>t 27 t,t (i > s Oeeinie.. .8 F. ■•ot 2 A S > \rawH Sy.luey t)ct 2 icbr IV-hert Lewen» ,.Iavho ld....Gct 4 )>,S. At Htralia.... S F Oct 6 j M s S < i y <>f Peking.Yokol»iiina. -Oct 9 t. r L.ty»An Id <>,‘t 10 ■ P . t lzar F»rest . .\ewoutle..,. . 4, ct 20 ier hk I’huI ls**uberj?. .Bremen Not I i»rk H >nt> nl)eck Liverpool....Xov 23 11 F < Ih<1c l.iverpool Dec 25 rOKi;i«» T|«IL SKK V !<»;. Ste»niphipn will leave for nnd «rr : ve rom S:in ppuieieeo and othor (oreign y,rts, on or «bout the f»llowing dates>, ili the elooe of ism. Ix*vr Hf>voi.cLclDrE at Hovolclc t(>K S\s Prascibco. Fm. 8av Frakcisco o> Vas< OCVF.R 0E Vancocvkr. ln«tralij Jnne23 Au«tralia June 16 Uonowai Jiiue 28lArawa June 23 K'animoo July 1 Maiipoaa July 5 tuhtralia Jnly2l ~lia Jnly 14 lUnn la July 26 Wanimoo.. .July 23 VrHW.» Ang. I Monowai Aug. 2 \n-itntlia Aug. IK Aubir»lia.. ..Aug. II lliiri(<»sji .....\ng.23 At»*» Ang. 23 i\ iiriin»o.... Se|>t. I Alamed».... Aug .11) LuMmlia ... .Sej>t. I.'> .\UKtralia Aepi. 8 llunoaaa...,8ei>t. 22 Warrim..o.. . 1 .ept. 2.j \rawa Oct. 3 Mari|K>H«. ...Lej)t 27 tn«traiia Oct. 10 Australia Oct. 6 \iuiue<iu Oct. 1S Amwa....... Oct. 23 Aammoo.... N»v. 1 Monowai ,..,Oct. 2» \u'traliii ...Xov. 10 Au»tralia Nov. 3 tlanjM)sa Nov. 15 Alamed» Nov. 20 ,Vrawa Dec. I \Varriuioo., ,H>i7.23 Austraii* Dec. 8 \n>tralia Doc. 2 Moa»»i ai Dec. 13 M»riposa Uee. 20 V,«rnnjoo.., ,Dm. 30 Arawa Dec. 22 Au»tr<ilia....Dec. 31 Kn Reqna of theEmpireSaloon ha« made a now deal whieh will toucb tbe hanrts, or at least the { a!utes of man}’ a tbirsty wacder er. He keeps "lialf-und-half ou iliaiig!it aod s<*rves a most de lici>>us aud eool beverage, far superior lo “plain” beer. pe 17 tf J. .1 Williame tbe well-known Artistic Pbot<igrapber is making h speciulty t>f portraits on Watch J>i <ls Miid Silk H»»dkercbiefs. Complete sels of Lantern slides lectnrescau be liad at thegallery. For tbey are »old at a reaaonable figure by tbe dozen or by tbe bnndred. * Tbe Jap<neee cit z**n will sent Tb ree b!ind mnn to ehina t*> t >ke and hC0v>u»t how many ehinnman hre !eft »fter the great b>ttle. The Sun outabines All.” Bethel Slrett N. BREHAM. Bethel St. Mulual Tel. 314. aug 22 * To I„et or Leuse, > HOUSE on Ktug nwl, mit to T. R ,lkiT« peemlaea. conl*l»lav j>*rlor. ain e r\H>m. »n<l threv bc4r»W»A bc»Mfi i(ivn. lwtliroom, »tabl«* anil ali m»dcn iv t olencv*. latelv oei-upliMl by Mr. D»’ui»on i-imn waler l»!d; rvnt moder»tc to res :>!<• i<*rtv. Addrvs» AHKA i.\M FEKNANDEZ au( ‘J3-lm l‘OUXD MA8TEK'S •NUTKE

Noiioe i« berrt>r to *U per»on* th*t ther» «p» ut th- OoTt*rntnent t*onnd nt iinki i. t te I h"rse. bundad AF o« l«fl hm«l « hit ' tpot *'n 1 htj horv> br«udXO. on right ss»W. oue « hiie leg. «nd » viuto *pot oa houd; l Uin, no bntud; I b.iy hor>« brmiM HA on left hind hip. WB Any penon t*r pennMu own>ng the«» bor*e* *r* nxiut«t«>i to oome *nJ Uh* tiie oo or br£oiv (2 o’oioek tsoou, hAīlKOA». b£PT. 28, ll»*. W ffi : KAAPA. * Poaud kUkUu, *t 6, 18M. SAM YEE HOP, No. 552 Kiug Street, I>e*ler in C«lifarnia eiui H«w*5inn Froits and Veget .hlee. Ouava Jollyj lVt itini Ur*auti OuUee. C>g *>tr ttc i>ao