Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 10, 29 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

“THE SUN OUT-SHINE9 4-PX'%.‘S “ ALL.” — u f Mumal Telephono - 814:.

f LAD1ES’ eOLUNIK. I Th , '«e who ihink s wnrdlv-wiae act in various wayF tliMt are both int<-resting i nd in- i structive. You ean pem i >de ■ business ra:>n ir.to anytbing g'"d by the intelligent use o{ »ise and mcder te argnment. bot th>s bas no weight with a woman. They like what thev like beoause —. They are nn>re , know vah:es bctter. and wiil r.ot be deceiv»d To talk Qnick Sales and 8mall Profits witbout meaning it. wou!d be suic:de. We do talk it and do niean it. 0>>r sales sh»w y- u also. be’neve it. Its t> those wh<> may be nnacq>nttnted «ith this f ct th.it we arc tryi' g to reach. We siid we would mniti"n WOOLEN GO 'DS this week and s > we wiil. We b <v*ii-eu nirttving c<<ns : der ihle eff rt f>r s< me tuue haek to buy the b st t be h>d iu Ihe line, and wili otfer this s une of the h >nds mest C .sh’n* ns ! ever t<tf **r» d in H .uo.u u. Ojī evening slu des <•{ C»!ored W»o!ei.s ;.ro pstve be iut es —in fct iu onr liue »«l C»>iored \N >«>leus it w..u d be h .rd to nSk you for wh.it i you waut and nut fi..d it. These 1 g». ds run m ull quilīties >\ith Q.,iick 8aleS and 8 all Profit prices. We have a few renr>nants of Blnck C'8hniere, just wliat you want —heonuae they are your s f >r i little raoney. Wo :ilso WHUt to ni8iitiou Handkcrchiefs. We hve s uue very handsoine embr.*ider d ones A s • a good stock of desr.ble pl>>n < nes—whiie everv c>unterin the store will e >nvince you ■•{ h!I we . s v :«b «ut Qn ek SiIesandS n .il ; i Pnfito. •# B. F. EHLERS & C0. ■

Don’t Buy Second-hand Box Mattresses • impnrtd frora ih» Coast, lo:<d d «ith V’-rraia at>d perhaps inf,ot.on IF YOU \VA\T AN' Uf , H 0LS T Ef l ED^\TT{ l ESS Go to a re3pect 'hle Dea’er and g t un** mad*< uexv. If the pub c knew aā nneh abont the C"l 5trilOt «)ll «>f BOX Mattr-S5Cā :I3 they ou? t. lhey wo:iId u i Bny them. They «re mip-*r.ib’e fr mia «t the>r b* ;-t. y«ni c*>>u >1 tell whut t>iey st iff d w:th. T iey are e *inbersoim*, uae eun and unheaHhy, and are ut le ist 80 years be()iud t ie ag *, ea )> ot b * purc i >S“d m a livt* g i uhead piaoe m ihe Fast. - Buy - AWūven Wire Mattrsss N and be well ubr st with tlie t raes nd wlun bnying ask f>*r B >iley’s H*‘ii>>nlu nunle. N >ii-c*rr *sive Sol.d Ci)mforl S >n g 13 ds. then y>>u w ii n**t lie troub!ed witb a I) ll <?f r*-p >’i'• v ry lew nio ths. Bny u Wovea Wire M ttress, \ Nun-Corr.is’ve .Wittios3, A H •nolulu Mi d- Mi ttress, A Go« d Wholee me M»ttressJ N>t a B>>x AI.tlress. For s.le hy a 1 respect..bie dc?.iler3 iu the o«ty ii ud by W0VEN WIRE BAILEY, HoH Str>-et, !Iono]> |*j, ( >ext d.»or t> *.orn'ā Stei>ii B.kery.) aug 14-1m THE C3M!V1ERCHL SALOON Harry KlEMME, Manager Ck<r. Nnaann & Ber* t mia sts. ilouolulu, H 1. The Only Sp-rt ng Ho«e in TilWŪ. O. P. S. a Specialitv. LOHENGRlX LAGfR 'BEER, Always on Dr.oght 2 GL’.SSES FOR 25 CENTS. 1 BeH of Wuics, Ltqtwrs, I ' aud Ci$ars t ALWaYS ON HAND, inl tf . Knipire Saloou, i)U>i, Pwwueiok: ?in5 Wlii’eĒ, Liqucrs. ▲I.WA8 OX HA.VD. C«n»*T Nnn*na aa.1 HoUl Smeis lktt lokpiuHM ■lii. fuA Odkt iku l\U

L, B. KERR'S &NNOUNCEMEN I H.WE JUST KECEIV£I> j LARGE ASSORTMENT 0F FINE suit:ngs, ELEGANT PaTTER ANO L ‘TEST STY. These goods will be ioki in any Q ! i; trom a 100 Yards Dowx to En-ouoh to Make a Sisgle 5 —AND AT—HABD n*E ' PEIPEl L. B. UCRK. • . impo Qnee a i*treet. ■■> ■» * ■ '« • . yQTlCE -