Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 10, 29 September 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

RemovRl ' Hiistace & Co. — n.WE M*>vF.n m — Morgan's - Auction - Rooms fer » iho rt »ins- W» imdR w»’iin5 Departure Bay COAL }cHARCOAL, AI.GER0BA sna KlXDLIXii WOOU in aar , . Bo«h Telephon*s 4U »«*> POVXD MASTER*S XOTICE. Koticc is !iorvl)v uiven to all persons that there .w at the (tovernnieat Ponud \fakiki, lvo sf»jed balls. 1 biick bull bmuded Kon ns:£it hia<l leg. 1 p»uco bull ■ bīanil indiscrib*ble ou I : Anv tiersoa or persons ovriag thesc bal!s sre rt'<ioestt'l to o me au«i take tkr <ame <>n ;or before 12 oV!<x<k noon, SATIRDAY, SEPT. 1.’», 1>!M. J\MES ki kona, Poanil Masu r. Makiki, Anjf. IS!M an f ;.K>-lw.lv Pionccr Shlrt Factory ESTABLISUKD IS»7 A. M. MELLI8, Proprietor. 5ls Fort Sh, Ilonolulu, (L’pi!tair»' Good Fil C0NS0L1DATKD SODA WATF.R CO. (Limitted.) E S1’ LANA I) E : Cor. Allen nnil Forl Sl«. s ; Honolnln nOLI.tSTEH A' Cv)., Asent«. F0R SALE. A FINE “ MIDNIGHT ” STALLION colt beloncing to P. D. Isenliorg. The colt ean be sren ut the PANLIiEON STABLE fmra to-mormw. tf. Thc Whitc Houae! 118 Nuuanu Avenue, HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS- \ Fip?t-clBS jlūūge IN EVEUV RESPECT. Roūm from $1-50 to $3.00 per Week* or 50c. pr Day. f PAUL LEMKE. PROPRlATOR. Bp11 Telpphr»nc 132. aug 22 NOTICE TO Z7isitcrs. Pienie Psrties. Lnans , —ANI)— 1 GENERAL PUBLIC! VJl/ K O At Smī rs 3 a\d Livery STABLE, Kl50 StRFET. [Ailjoir.ing MetropoliUn Meat Market.J " PUc ® Town jon ean gel B “ggiw ind Sad.lle Horse». It wiU pay y .. n to and before you try elsewhere. Motnal īelephone 408 angl-tf Mv\kET, Etc., Corncr King „tl AUkea 5treet». amaRD0s Kelfigerators By Erery Ste*raer fm m San Fr»nc»«eo, w»;h Fre8f * Fr uit, Oysters, Safmon, Povliry, Eto., Etc. «V» tt. ’W4-v-