Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 10, 29 September 1894 — NEWS CULLINGS. [ARTICLE]


Ohmiu itV«»b.>. S*pt««nber 15. Ti.e Mil ttry C<»nrt of InI ,-;iu\ «|»p<jinted bv Govern°r \ic(>rtv t> ioveM g»te the eoni,iuct of the Spotnne. Tekoa and S[T ! gue i companies durii»g 11! e tr< bles groving out of the ' r ct-ut >triLe, fiiid tb.nt Cotnpany i - cf S|*okaue wa« gnilty < f miitinous coi'duct at Tacoma, Jnly 7ih *nd that all tbe members t t-n pr* excej t * harle* K V !-,.n, j\artic or acqoi- , in the mntiny: lba‘ I.ieu—- | ten;<nt Co’«ne' McC«rtby «a 6 r gl.t iri arre&ti'ig thecoroj any, t ,d lhat Genfer«l Curry m«de a gr ve b!onder in relensing it. TLe c< ort r coraroends tbat tl,e eoiui ;tuv bedisbanded, and troo1d favor. tbe diabonor«ble discb«rge i>f thc routiueers bnt for the fact tbiit a court-niartial wonld be necessary to irapose tbis sentence. M u.apna (via Galveston), S- ji- . |erob«T lō. In bonor ot tbe Ni’,*;<rnpnnn lndependence D«y t'ie l’re»ident of the repnblic to—.1 v j anloned thej>ol lieal j>risonns in tb<* national j tih- Among tbe n en relensed nnder tbe de—cree were Jobn T«ylor, C.ay In—gra'ii aiul otber Araeric«ns wbo v\ere cfim<cted wilh tbe Mosquito uj>ridf ng. Waeo :T»x ), Scj>teruber 15. Gi<tesviMe, termino8 of tbe C« >tl- n Ue?t. t< d»y. A fatal street dnel to k nlaee between J L- ■ Go< dm.m, *litor of th ePeopU’*' l oi'ee, nnd 1T C. Armetrong. editor off tbe botb weekly p jx rs. Tbe Vtfel grew out of a personal contiVversy in tlie p«pers over tbe 1M C«sh lyncbing .. fe\v moullia ago. G.>odmau was shot tbro' gh tbe hoart ;>nd Arm>troi.g throogli tlie buuels, both <h irg. J. C. Beem tm a bystaud*r. was fatally wouyded in tbe ueek by a »tray sb <t.V New York, SepteuV>er 15. | l'oter Jackson. pngilist\pailed f<>r St. Thomas to-day oiyt)oard the C«ribo to visit bisVged j mntber. \ Berlin, Sept<mber 15. I'io i Zcitnv.rj says: Eraj>e»r ' William has written tbe worns xnd mnaie to a cantata inthe stvle of tbe ol<l minnesengere. or ministrels extnling tlie pereoual n nd intellectn«1 qualitiesof Qneen Margaret of Italy, to whom the cnnn'Osition was dedicated. Tne Emj>cror is also said t>> have sent i coj>y of his eanUia to tbe Q ;e*r> i f Ita!v. Panama fvia Galveston3, Septeml>er l‘.h There is uneanal activitv «long tlie line of lbe Panaina eaual. A corj>s of engineere ■ire expected t<> «rriv- soon with the new Frencb stearaer and j>roiiminaiy oj>orations will be begun i October. Bnt extensive work on the exe.ivntions c»«unot be uiuli rt«ken until the drj T seasou, whioh begius in Pccoinber. Bo«ton. >.‘j<tember 18. The iuo>t d's(inguished Maaonie body in tho l ’n ted St«tes, the Suprcme Council of Gr«nd Insj>ec-tor-General of the Thirty-third Dt groes Scottish Rite. went int>> convention at Mssonic Hall this foren on at 10 o elook. Grand Commander H* nry L. Palmer of Milwaukee delivered an eloqoent ad<lress. Delegntes are represented (rom all p;irts of tbe country. P!acerville. Senteraber 18. Tbe jnry iu tbo caso of Panlo Kamaunu, a karac«. for t»e murder of Klbn Robins«n. near Latroj>e ; on Mkv 6th afbr a tri«l of seven j * d«vs. n turne*\ a verdict of murder in tl.e first degreo to-d«y. lVushiugton, Sept. 14. The ' i uj>eriutendeut of the Sugar Ex j>er ment St«tion in San Jo*qnin county, C«liforma, has sent a rtport to tbe Agriculturi»I Department. giving tbe oondition of grow ng crojv* of sug<r aud eane j «i d sUitir.g the resaits whieh h .ve b eu stt«!Ucd iu the c"ltiv«tion of &accbariue plaut&. The Saj\eriute;.drut st«tes that lbe u»<<t>t remareab!e thmg la the j gruwth of the suik o{ eaoe alter b«iug plai<ted ck> laie. The cr>p was plaoted īo the iath r part of Aj>r l, w hen it «hoold h«ve been pi«uted in Febrn«ry, but in spite | ut be»ug pLuU J two uiouUia be j t»»ud tiu»« it muiueil • gro«th i U āvo iooU