Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 11, 1 October 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Removal ! Hnstace & Co. HAVE MOVED TO Morgan’s - Auelion - Rooms for » *hort s*nin« Departure Bay COAL cuarcoal. AĪ.GKR0BA #n«i KINDLING WOOD in any Bot& Telepbone* 414 *u>’> ‘ i POl N T D MASTER S XOTICE. Xotioe - h. refcy given to all P*rwns thit iere sre «t Uie l» irernn*ent Ponn.l at Maiki, t»o .'tnye.l hnlU. i hliek hall n.mie.1 Ron right hin.i leg. I piueo hull nind iudīscr. >able ou 7 \cv person or person« owmg these ouli> 7 ŌTa “SS “8SSl?. ,5 - .« kokona. Pound M»ster. Makiki, Ang. oO. 185M. ang»-lwdy Pioneer 8hirt Factory establi?hf.d isj>7. A. M. MELL1S, Prorrietor, 5IS Fort 8t., Ilon''lulu, (UpsUirs) tīoOvi Fit CONSOLIDATED SODA WAlEK CO. (Limitted.) E8PLA NAD E : Cor. Allen aud Eorl M«. : t Honol.ilu !IOLLlSTER * C0., F0R SAIE. l FINE “ MIDNIGHT ’ STALLION t beloncing to P. D Isenberg. The colt 1 l>e s-.eu at the PANTHE0N STABLE iu to-morr>w. “• The White House! 118 Nuuanu Avenue, HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS-first-cla?| [lou?e IX EVERY RESP1aT. Raoms from $1-50 ta $3.00 per Weekor 50c. per DayPAU L L E-M K K. PROPRIATOR. Bell Telephor.e 132. aug 22 NOTICE TO ;Visitcrs, Pienie Parties, Laais OENEKAL PUBLIC; - Ar Sntra’s AVD Ln Stable, Kino Street. [Adjoii.ing MetrrpoliUn Meet Mi ls the Cbe«pest Plaee in Town yoi Bn&>es, Wagonetie*, Cngg.es aud Ui>rse«. lt will p*y y..n to c*ll before yon try ekewhere. Mutual Pelephooe 40) *ngl-tf F«\«1it J*Vt!«T» £70. Con»er Eine »nd Alake* Streets. ri om«iPinfVc» • ierators By Ftctj St**mer fro B Sda Fr»neweo. »»u» Fresh Fruit, Oysiers, j' S3lmon. Pouliry, 3mf lie., Exa