Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 13, 3 October 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

\ORDINARY Good NEWS fob HOUSEWlVES and VATR>HOH!ALLY !NCUSED MEH. i I $, Kubey & Co., No418 Nuoann street. opposite Central Me»t Market Second r Hand Fnrrjit'ire Dealers. have imp >rted an enomaou» amoun*. of FURNITURE! Frora the C >ast They are prepared to SE!.L the B st Articles at L()WEST FEICES Money ia tigbt and none of ns bave more tb«n we know Mrbnt to do with. K(JBEY A' CO. realize j tb s, »>nd are decreasing profils to suit Ihe tinies. ] lf yon know tbe v«Ineof money ; de>i \vitn S. KUBKY ifcCO, for in , tbeir store. Ooe Dolbir goes fortb- i er toward FCKNITLRE than three at any otber plaee in • the town. On Saturdiy evenings, open to : 9 P.M. Don’t forget the address S. KUBEY & C0., Oppo. Central M. Market l’.cj. Persons having Furaiture to sell will do well bv cdling on us. ’ selO tf. CHIN KEE. HORSESHOEING SHOP, Maunakea Street, New set all ro"nd $ l 50 Olil aet all round 00 Neit Door to No. 5 Engiue Honso. •ug I I j | THE COMMERCIAL I 8ALOON Harry Klemme, Manager Cor. Nuuanu A Beretania sts. < Honolulu, H. I. Tbe Only Sport;ng Honse in Towu. O. P. S. a S?pecialiiv. LOHENOKIN LAGER 'BEER Always on Draugbt. 2 GLASSES FOR 25 CENTS. BeH of Win.es, Liquors, and Ci£ars, ALWAYS ON HAND. iul tf loVeJoy&CQ. W|olegaIe Wiqe \ LiqDQi< ūealei? 19 Nuuanu We would eall yr»ur attention to Oar Special Brands LongHfe $ Pure Cream RYE WH!SKEY. \Fredericksburg BEER au2 . in casksor bottle» «ITOHAN,” |MPOKTEK axo DEALEB Dl GESEEAL 1 Merduc4iac, Excla»iT¥!y ol iukiaaae WaulLiULE * KLIAIL9M.ud 303 Foct dtvw(. I‘.a&u M Uux*l Teh»(W Jytf