Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 13, 3 October 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

1UST ARRIV£0, q 5 5 m m BiBY *,CARRUGES Of AIX 5TTLK\ , s wIN TIIE LATEST FATTESNS. “,HOUSEHOLD StWING MACHINES UaND SeWING ilACWN», 'Vith ihe ImproreiaonLs'^l PAKLOK )!'crans, Guitarff Ami Other Muaieal Iustrament‘. \Vines, liquois, Beer ALWAY8 ON H ANO. AND FOR 8ALE BY -’D. HOFFSCHUEGEK t C0 Kiau St.. oppo. C»Atle i Cooke’s. P. O. Box 209. Nonanu St. S. YASUM0R1, MERCHANT TAILOR, Denler in Jnpnnese Goods, Bnnts «nd.Shoes of Japan©se mnke; CheapforCash. New Goodsby Everv Stenmer. ]}’ lee sung kee, 49 KING STREET. iMirn, AND DEALER IN re Crockerv, Coal-Oil Stoves, ))nter PlumhinK in All IU Brancbe3 F«ithExecnted J-V’.8-ly machine made 1*01! FACTORY, : : KALIIII. Taro Plants, FreshTops and Kuw T.tro at all tiraes. Ring Up Mulual Telephone 577 Bell 345. W. L. WILCOX, j v 25 Man»ger. CITY DRAYAGE C0, Stand: Queen and Fort Streets. Wbite and B!«clc S«nd. Draving Done at Reasonable Kates. W. F. SHARRETT, MakaOU. Jy23 jSTew J apan ATarket. 3G7 Maunaiea Street. Fresh Meat ou Ice 4 Pound 25Cls. Sdgl’K1. Manager. augl CITY carriage;cq. Corner KING and BETHEL St. CAKEIAGE^ AT ALI, HOURS. Both Te)ephones No. 113. J. S. ANDRADE, Manager june 15-tf. To Let op Leawe, A HOUaE on King *tr«t. nrrt to T. R. W»!ker. prcini»cs, parlor, dīnning room. «o<l tbrcv ijedroom*. bē»idcs k.itcben, bathroom, tub U» aod »U mixlera convcnienev», ;«telToc'-r.p-ed bjr Mr. OenUon Artc*i*a w«ter Uld; rvnt mūfcr»u lo rt* p.->n»iblr pariy. Addrv« ABRAHAM fernandez. «uif 2a~!n> NOneE - Doring my »btk.nce from tbe coui,tn* after the dep«rture of tbe “0-anie" fur Chiua Cbi Q Doc« will have f<iJI cbarge of rnv bossWmluku, 24, 18&1