Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 13, 3 October 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

'£>ong Branch -8ATHINGEstablishment. • Thi» • i _ • h«s bwn *nd now npen to the puhlie, lt is Ihe b»st p!s« on the iplamie tn erjny a aml lbere is no beller t>lace to Iay ofi. Special *ccomrrjodal' n? for — dies. Tr*mcar«i the d -*r erery half hour. and on S.*turd:*y8 and Sunday« cverv fifteen miuuū.-. jy24 C. J. SHERWOOD, Proprietor lo\/eJoy &co. Wiqe \ ūealei'^ 19 Nuuanu Ftreet| We would eal! your atfention to Our 6pecial ilrands Longlife Pure Cream RYE WHISKEY. Fredericksburg Beer r au2 in caskeor bott!e? T. B. Murray |l« lel to lio { «/iiiiil On llie OI«l KIuihI, \«, * I K(»k S(.—IIis lluviae*s as CARRIAGE AND VAG0N MAMF\tTll{EH ( ■ oes On, When the ‘PEOPLES’ FARTV gets smashc<i he ■ will bo rca<ly to REPAIR PAINT AHD TR1M IT i At a Reasonable F ; guie.— No j £itra Charge for Furnishiug them witb Oommon Seuse. LET THEM 1UNG UP MUTUAL IELEPHONE 572. jr.'l 6m THE COMMERCIAL SALOON Harry KiEUUE, Manager C«r. Nuuanu Derctani« sts. Honolulu. H. 1. The Only Sport:ng House iu Town. O. P. S. aSpeoialitv. LOHENOEIN LAGEK BEER Always on Draught. 8 GLASSES FOR 25 CENTS. UtH o/ Wirfcs, Liquors, and Ciiars, ALWAY*> ON UAND. i«l tf