Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 13, 3 October 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Fire, liife & XKIarine INSURANCE. HARTFORD F!RE INSURANCE C0.. Assets, $ 7.109,825.49 LONDON-LANCASHIRE FIRE INS. CO.. Assets»$ ‘4,317,052.00 THAMES-MERSEY MARINE INS. CO.. 1 Assets, 8 NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO., * Assets, $137.499.198.99 C. O. BERGER. Geoeral Agent for the Hawaiian la amla, ilooolulu \ l-|i Ei &( Bī\o IMP0RTER8 AND DEALERS 1N Qroceries, Provisions AXD Feed, , EAST C0RNER F0RT & KING;STS. New 6oods Rec ? d By every Packet frora the Eastern States and Europe. Fresh California Produce by ever\- steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, and Goods <lelivered to any part of the city FREE 0F CHARGE. Island Orders Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Post Office Box No. 145, TelephoneNo. 92. P, 0. Box 480. Mctual Telephonk 245. The Cheapest Plaee on the Islands to Buy NewandSecondHand Furniture IS A.T.eTLIE = C0RNER 0E T 'V’’ T Honolulu King & Nuuanu Sts. JL J J pi. l

I S. NISHIMURA, Commission Merchant, 19 Nunauo Street, Honoluln. IXPORTERS aml DEALERS in JAPAN TEA DRY GOODS SILKS »nd PROVI31CNS. (.ood« by Every Stramor. Mutcal Telphone. 3JT. sept 6—tf. }SMOKERS, ATTEN'TION. HoUistf r i Co. have reoeived a farther sapply of the cekbrated G. B. D. pipe? direct from the faet*>ry as well as a new stoct of amber and meer9chaum cigar and ci(carette ho»ders. Also wax matches. * KiNG CP MPīUAL TELE. »is. NIEPER‘S Baggage Expres«. OfBce, 239 Fort St,, Hoaoloia. IL 1. Baggage and Furniture OarefulIy Uandled and Delivered at Short Kolioe to All Parts of the C:ty. Stand oq Cor. of Fort tfc Queen Ste. ā» NOTICE. la fatart aU BtLL6 ter aaderiakiag wiil bepa7abWeapnnatatxm. are oompeliw *o reaort to ihia raW. oa aoeoaui oi tho iaabilitr k> oollect the nujori»y of oar r "nierukiag hdU ait«r fua«fala aze ov«r. WHUA.MS fbos. ED. A. WIULUAĪO,

SIM; YIK.\ KKE, TIXSM1TH and DEALER IK n V TINWARE. • Piping Laid and Kepaired. All Orders Prompt!y Attended to. Charges Very Moderate. Call and See Us. No. 222 Maunakea St., lionolulu. jy20 Im PANĪHEON 3ALOON. FORT AXD HuTEL STS. fleadaaarters Euterprise Brewiag Co. THS Largest Cons!gnment of Beer that ever arr.ved here, no* on Draught 3. DODD, Prop’r 290 Ring Up 290 United Carriage Company, M. REIS tCJ.C. OUINN