Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 13, 3 October 1894 — The Catholic Fair. [ARTICLE]

The Catholic Fair.

Yesterday t> Fair was & greml »uccefts. Over a tbousAud dotlars was realized aud evenb<*dy |j«d a glorious good lime. The tvro bands played «lariog the day, tud a uamber of prouiioeat people c.il!ed iu *q«1 <hig up their •pare cash for tho benefit of! the church. Amoug tbu£o pre-eut were Mes$n Hutcb aud Smith of tbe Dola goveromeat. ilr. P«*d«?y aud tiu:ubars of biscom* paoy m»sistcd the Fair iu « tpobt geoerous mauoer. Priuc pal is Lcirti'y Oongratu!ated ou the Utest ad- \ ditioo to the Kamehaiuelui Schools. The “b‘>y a aehool” is j At, preseut Ihe gaa,or. Wili tho j eeiwoi bo