Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 14, 4 October 1894 — HawaiiaN Hardware Comp’y. [ARTICLE]

HawaiiaN Hardware Comp’y.

S?ptember 17, 1S94 If we remember c>‘ > rrecily the ‘ Ch;irle~ton'' was the first of t‘ir “White t' vis;t Hono lulu. Her arrival en her secon<l cm ; se is st’ll in the minds of people who were bere on January 29, fs91. 'When with fl.gs at h>lf-mast and yjrds cock-bni!t she entered port with tbe body of King Kalakaaa, the kind attentions sho>vn bv* the offioers to the King dnring the voyage to the United States and the, almost sacred manner iu whieh the body was guarded wh : lebemg borne to the Is!a uls, end-arod the ‘ CbarIestoa” to the peoj>le of Hawaii. As mueh as it was in the power of the people, tL.eir api>reciation wjS shown to tlie officers dariug their stay aud when sa led they Ieft graven ou t«blets of love ar.d memon*, evidences of their Aloha f'r Hawa.i. Few, if anv, of the offic-rs who were heie then are on the vessel now; some have reacbed the age of retircment and others have gone to oth t vessels but the Ch:iriestou is still greon in the heart of the Huwuiians. Have yoa evA used a Pansy St ve? We have been selling thera for fonr or five years and to day they wear the “Yellow Coat” in the cmpire of stoves. They are recognizod by every oue, eveu dealers in other stoves, as a snperior urticle and one whieh they do not care to run up agaiust. 0f course st >ves may be bought from people who are uot dealers. We have people running here every day or two for fire bricks and j>arts belonging to stoves they have bought frora other parties, and when they fiud they cannot get them they discard their stoves and bny a “Pansy.” You see tbere is u disndvantage in bu\ ing doar tbings at low pnces. Come to us and get a Pansy at ?15 t)0 and you get full valne for your money. You don’t get n £75.00 i’ange for fifteen dollars, mind you, but \ou get a stove tbat is worth Thirty dollars to any one Our Ready Mited Paints are smted to tbe wants of ueople who have a little painting want |to do theraselves. The advantage in bnying a ]>rep»red paint is that yon have the benefit of the best mixcrs iu the United St.ites withont haviug to pay for it. The paint is ready for nse directly you take the top off the ean and if yon don’t find it eheap er and better than any you ean mix vcurself we are mistaken in our expenence‘ lu California the rainters are us ; ug the ptvpared article in preference to buying lead and oils becmse tbey find it to their advantaga to do so We believe it is only a qr.estion of time when the puinters here will i fall into line. Hanging lamps are in as great demand now as ever. People . seem to want som-thing for lighting pnrposes th.*>t will give as good ligbt as the sun—they fir,d . it in tbe lamps «e are giving away. Our eheap stand lamps are an excellent thing for a servants room and will find a ready sa)e in the Island stores. We ean | supply any demand. for a eingle lamp or for a thousand. Tr»ere s lots of Hawaiiana whoee Kuleanas need fencing and we have the w're witfa whieh lo do it We havealso the material for buiiding a fence tbat will last until Iong after the mil- | lenium. Insiead of paying a ' i bigh price for post8, or even getting them for tLe cutting, your fence will cost you less muney if you buy eteel stays and wasbers and make a Jones Locked fence. We hd»ve even*ttiing yon want in the hardware »nd honse furnishing goods liue yog wisb. Aud we conrt investigation to . their qnality and pricea. TteBBavnai sariware '907 Fort Stnet 1