Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 14, 4 October 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]


The Ani*,, tg m .t te «,-honA.i. CoUuclls ii.-L thi* - uoon. Ihe riieoAopbistg me.it U m.»rro-. uipli». Tbe L ity ">f (’ekiun is dne next | rn* Ml;iv. fmtn C’hina «n«i Japan. I ibe H?twaii <n Hnul plavs at i the Qneen s Hospital tbis »fter- i noou The famoas EDgligh Melodrama “A W ifa s I)erotion ’ to—night. The atten<Kuts at DiĪ1hv’8 Compmy tonight will fin«l a fnnd of amni' .nent. Minister Will is receives this itfterno.«n. Royalists are j»robably not wanted. We are to have a new waltz ! fantastic by Mollie Stockrueyer at the Opera Houso tonight Mr. and Mrs. McStocker aud a uninber of tbe Afong family are booked to leave iu the Arawa. Friedericksburg Beer isstill ou tap in the Aneh >r. '*Conspirators’’ are he:<rtily invited to eall and saiuple. The Fort slreet real estate agency is doiug well. C>>llectious and other kind of business is promptly attended to. Oapiiūn Klemme of tlie poiiee force states that patrolman Ludioff was discharged for ueglvct of duty. Breach of discipline eun uot bo toleruted. Professor Scott ol the Fort Stroot School recoived the pleasing information yesterday timt his danghter who has beeu seriously ili has recovered her heallh. The Hawaiian C;irriage Manufactoring Co., will foruisii those who are happy enough to possess horses\vith all Kindsof carriagos. Shaft springs for buggios aro a gpeciality. Tht> wrecking syodicate is looking happy Several oases of stranded goods have been picked up. and the prospects are that j the biggest portion the cargo will be saved. Mr. EB. Thomas aml others left (or tho scene of tho \vrock today.