Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 14, 4 October 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

OpE^/\|-)oiJSE L. J. LEVEY Lossee W. \l. DAILEY.. Mannger Second Season of Dailey Stock Co., under the pers>'nal Jirection of W. K. Dailey. Thursda7, October 4, A Wif-e’s T3evotion. Saturday, Oetobsr 5, Augustein Dailey Celebrated Comeav A NIQHT OFF! Doors open at 7:30. Cnrtair will rise 8 o’elook prompt. Box plan will open at tbe offic< of L. J Levey for tiie «>peninj nisjbt on Monday, Sept. 24, a 9 a. M. se22 td

♦ REAL ESTATE AGENCY. — Hoase8 to r»*nt «ml for s le. R nts coliected. coaveyjinoiug in ali its br«ncbe3 attended to with protuptn«*ss *nd desp tch. Honoilu Re.vl Estate Agexct. 103 Fort St. eOHNKK OF Nuuonu and Beret“ni»Street?. :«6I /—Both 561 | * GOOD. BEUABLE *» fj iv27tf OiVIL