Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 14, 4 October 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

E.ong Branch -bat wmcEstabllshment. - This Fir?t-Cl*»' B.Uhing b» bwo enl>rg«d >nd now oiwu lo the puWie, It i« the bp«t pl>ce on the iel>nds U> enjoy a B»th. >nd tbere ia no beiter olaee to ’.ay *>fl. Speci>I accofntDodalionfl f«»r La - die«. Tr«oaor§ paw the d *>r evcry half hour, and on S»turd>ys «nd Sundaya everv 6fteen minulea. C. J. HHERNVOOD, j v 24 Proprielor. Extra 0RD!NARY Good NEWS • • • • FOR • • • • HGUSEmES and MATR<M0N!~ ALLY !NCUNED MEN. S. Kubey & Co., No 418 Nuoanu street. opp< ■ te Central Meat Market Second Hand Furniture Dealers, haVe imp >rted an ei.omnou» nmounl of FURNITURE! From the Coast Thev are prep*red to SELL the Best Articles at L()WEST PRICES Money is tigbt and none of us have raore th«n \ve know what to do with. KUBEY & CO. realize th>K, mul are tlecreasiug profils to vuit the tm.es. lf you know the valueof money deai witu S, KUBEY & CO, for iu their stoie, Ooe Dollar goes forthor toward huving FUKMTURE tlian threc at any other plnoe in t ie towr, On 8*tnrJty evenings, open to 9 P.M. Don’t forg. t tTe addnss S. KU1'EY <k CO. t Oppo. Centr.il M. M:>rliet P-S Peraons having Furaiture to solJ will do w*ll hv c*ll'ng on fU, seI0 tf. CH1N KEE. HOR. c SHOP, Mann&kea * Pauahi Street. N w at>i all|n>nnd f|l S0 O all |roaud I (X' .NmI IX or (o No. ō Engiue Uoiwe. »ng 1 “ ITOHAN,” |MPORTKK asd DF.ALEK IS UEKKKAL I Merchaudue. Exrlu»ivrlT of Jat>«n««e Mauu(actar>— VVHl>LESALE k KETAIL. ‘JW and 206 Fi rt Street. P.O. Box 116 Mntual TeW. £W. iy!9 ITHE COMMERCIAL 8ALOON J Harry'J<lemme, Manager Cor. Nuuanu 4 Berctania sts. Ho ioIuIu. H. 1. The Only Sp* rt:ng iiooae in Town. O. P. S. a Specialiiv. L>hengb:n laokb ibeeb Alwayg oo Dranght 3 GLASSES FOB 26 CENTSI of W'ines, Liguors, and Cigars, ALWAYb OK HAKa;