Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 14, 4 October 1894 — WAKE UP. [ARTICLE]


The po’ilie»! 8;tnation is bighl_r dissati»factor>- to ereiybo<lv. The frieods of H««-aii look «ith forfcbodings of ill towards Ihe action <>f the diflferent part.es who, today mike thp “Paradi.se of tbe Pacific" a“hell on earth Let os look the iaaoe of today straight in the face. Let os drop for enee the j>oliticaI mask and the Hfc]fiah purpo8t8 of inJividuals. Let 06 apeak openly aud truthfal and make up our iniml» wh.it to do, not in ihe intere«t of a cl»ss, a cliqne. or a qoeen, bot for the ; goo«l of the country whieh we, j with raany otbers eall “home. The i olicv advocated bv this • • • paper and by ihe writer of this adraonitiou is to “fight or vote. The apathv d)8played by the Hawaiiaiia frorn the higbest to tho lowe«t 1h discooragiog and it is disastrous. We believe that we are safe in using languugc whieh perhaps onder tho laws of the republic i eouU be considerod seditious and criminal. bnt we do it for the i porpose of coming, if possibly’. t<5 * an onderstanding with the people. | Wbat is the situation to<lay ? Tho meu who eall theinselve8 tho republic of Hawaii -nei have got full chargo of the governracnt. How they got it, and by what right is imraaterinl today. We were all around, boys, on that metnorinI day of the 17th of Janoary 1893. What eonhl h«ve befdone, what ahouU have be done nre matters of the past? • Don’t erv over the milk that is »pilt. But thoyHiavo got our 'goverument aud what are 1»« doing? Sulking aud “chewing the »ag’’ hdJ |dioing: d 1 i 11 ki g and smoking. Tell tho trutb. you br«ve royali«U. ,\re thero uiuong yon a mau j who is ready to take the initiativo und start a iuovoment that raight lead to tho recnperation of tho situatiou whieh now is past. No, no, not one will eomo forward and do s thing! They will wait aud wait but they do nothing. For four or fivo months we aro to wait for Mr. Widemaun to returu from his 1 ittle mission to Paris, Siboria or somewhero else. When ho returns wQpresumo that soraeb<xl_v elso will proceed to A)aska or T«sinania or auy other plaeo, and in the mcautime tho kanaka sits ou his “aoil’’ aud waits. I3rothor Arrastroug ofthe,4Jtyriiscr is always iuterviewing aome “ohl” and highly “respectable” uative. So do we. The “old” etc. kauaka tells our esloomed coulemi>orary one thing aud he tolls us auother. Tbc kauuka of toJay, hates tho haole as mueh us JiJ the kanaka of yeaterday. l>ut Le haa been usod to bloo<lIess revolntions and | boliovos in contiouiug them. If tbero was true patriotisra. true enthusiasm among the meu who talk and spont about "Aloha Aina” why do they hesitate, why do they wait for arms aud ammuniiion ? A stooe, a coral rook. a broom j stick, a bauaua or a fist are ail 1 that is uee<led. Wbat weapoos did the strikors in Chicago have i I What weapona do the Samoans ; use f A blooilIess revolntion is * an absurdity hatched in tbe j brains of tbose Hawaiiana whoae j inhenUuee from tbe haolea bas beeo Oin, Sypbilis and Miaaionaries I Goodby tben to tbe figbt. Lel ns admit toat, tbat part of tbe programme ia a £ailure and let na look at the otber side. Bball we ‘’aUv onl’* for the oext ihree yean,Qimpiy becao>e, we don’t like tbe praaent orowd, the preaent system or the /wr*oneūe of the preeeot rulen? Is it »ot (oolish lor us to lie bsok in wroer a«d gossh our teetb

aml r»-fas<* Uke a haml iu the g<me whieh, »orae day most i •euchre’’ them * Why »bonld : 1 tbe voung m«*o growing up in j this c*>untry, tbe solid men living bere be f<>rce>J thro T .igh a «bimercial idea tn*drop polilie*. to be <leprivod of a voice in the ■ raana«em€nt of this country ? It i- a (allaeioaa ide* and it is «n id«a whieh will be cursed tirae aod time again in the foture. ! Fight tbis governraēnt by all legitimate mfc.ms at your dispos»1. I>ou t do tbe baby act and feel satisfifcd by putting yoor thnmb to your nose and cry - Auwe * And eo far that is all the royalists are doing !