Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 14, 4 October 1894 — A LEARNED JUDGE! [ARTICLE]


Among the many benefactions that we have received from the ■'iepuhliean governraent i* a I poliee magistrate who dispenses law in a most satiidactory manncr. The namo of the learned judge is Antone Perry, It »hould j be stated tbat he is notatpresent an inmate of the Puuahou School IAs a matter of fact he gra- ! <lu«ted several weeks ngo and has had the benefit ;of the great iegal learning of Mr. A. S. Hartwell. to whom he devoted his time as an all around office-boy. He learned a great deal there. And when Mr. W. O. Smith tue brother in law of Mr. Hartwell and the boss of of the preseut gang appointed the 3’oung man to be poliee ma1 giatnite of Oahu he knew that ho 1 wonU find a raost accotnod iting judge.In hisdecision iutheeonspi ! r*cy case this moruing the judge discharged the defeudants,elaiming in so raany words that in a case of conspiracy, the party conspired ftgainst, has got to prove his iunoeeneo before the case ean lie! We have noticeda fow decisions in the country. e have heen deligbted to see somo decisions that placed ourjudges ! on record bnt we do uot believe, that wo have seeu nn instance in wkieh a judgo haa sHown himself so es.tremely brilliant as in this instance. The conntry whieh has gained tho Magistrate is to bo congratulated. Punahou who has got rid of hiin is equally entitled to our felicitations.