Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 15, 5 October 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y. [ARTICLE]

Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y.

S«*ptember 17, 1894 If we remember correctly the ! ‘‘Char!eston” was tbe first of the “White Squadron ’ to vis:t . luln. Her arrival on her second : cruise is still in the minds of people who were here on January 29, 1891. When with at half-mast and yards cock-bnilt she eutered port \rith tbe body |of King Ealakaua, the kind attentions shown by the oflicers to the King during the voyage to the United States and the, a!most sacred manner in wlueh the body vras guarded while be;ne ; borne to the Is!ands, endeared 1 the “Charleston“ to Ihe peoi*!e of Hawaii. As mueh as it \vus in I the power of the people. their appreciation wjs shown to the officers during their stay and when sailed they left graven on t:iblets of love and raemory, ev- | idences of their Aloha f> *r HaFew, if anv, of the officers , who were here then are on the vessel now; sorae have reached ' the age of retirement and others have gone to other vessels but ' the Charlestou is still grean in the heart *of the Hawaiiaus. Have you ever used a Pansy Stove? We have ibeen selling them for four or five years and to-day they wear the “YeIlow Coat” in the erapire of stoves. I They are recognized by every , oue, even dealers in other stoves, as a superior article and one whieh they do not eaie to run up agaiust. 0f cour.se stoves may ]be bought frora people who are i aot dealers. We have people , running here everv dav or two r> - ; for fire bricks and parts be!ong- ; ing to stoves thej T have bought frora other parties, and wheu they find they canuot get thera they discard their stoves and bny a “Pansy.” You see there is a disadvantage in bnying dear things at low pnces. Corae to us and get a Pansy at 81ō 00 und you get full value for your uioney. You dou’t get ;» $75.00 range for fifteen dollars, raind you, but you get a lirst class stove that is worth Thirty dollars to any one Our Keady Mited Paints are suited to the wants of oeople who have a little painting they want to do themselves. The advantage iu buying a prepared paiut is that yon liave the benefit of the best raixers in the United ; St ites withont having to pay for it. The paiut is ready for use directly you take the top ofl' the ean and if you don’t find it eheap er and better than any you eau mix yourself we are mistaken in our experience - In California the nainters are nsing the prepared article in prefereuce to buying lead and oils because they find it to their advautage to do so AVe believe it is only a question of time when the painters here will fall inio line. Hanging lamps are in as great demand now as ever. People seem to want something for ligbting purposes that will give as good light as the sun—tbeyfind it in tbe lamps we are giving away, Our eheap stand lamps are an excellent tfaing for a servants ; room and will find a ready sa f e in the Islaod stores. We ean | supply any demand. for a single 1 lamp or for a thonsand. There’s lots of Hawaiians whose Kuleanas need fencing and we have the wire witb whieh to do it. We havea!so the material for building a fence that will last nntil long after tbe mil- 1 leninm. Instead of paying a high prioe for poats, oreven get- j ting Uiem for tLe cnttmg. your | fence will cost yon iess muney if j yon bny steel staye &nd wasbers ; and m*ke a Jones Locked feuee. | We have eren thicg yon want | in the hardware aad house furnīshing good- line yoa wish. I And we court investigation as to their quality and prices. nt9Hmyi lsrinn A. 807 Fmi Stmi