Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 15, 5 October 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

LAOIES’ eOLUMK. Mr Chas*. the Genen»l P;isr Agent of the V ■tea ei Hoase Comp»ny say S somelhing is poing to happen to Madame; Pele. He tLinks she has beard of oor Qaicik Sales and Soia!I progt Policy aa l is» determineil| she will do sometbmg to get np a ' bigger sensation. 11 e are toc I bosv to g • aud soe what is going | on; so bere is a ehauee for yon to i go a> oor representative. You; are aware of tbe fact that every | pnreha>e made at our store you j receive a eheek. KEEP EVERY j ONE. The amoont of pnfcbase makes no ditlerence. On December ‘ioih. [tbe morning after Cbristmas] the man, woman or child bringing in the LARGEST M'.MBER CHECKS tothe Store before 12 o’eloek noon receire a FIRST CLASS ROUND TRIP TICKET to the VOLCANO. and a letter of introduction to Mad-I aiue Pele, as B. F. EHLERS i CO. S, representative. This ticket gives vou ehoiee of rontes and time for Ieaving. Remember everv purcbase, great or small eutitles you to a ehanee. Iuj j worth working for. In the mean time, we are going to try and make tbings lively htre. Quick sales and Sraall Profits and plenty of new novel-| ties will eonlinne to do it. Tlie M»riposa eame just in time. We have boen looking forward with pleasure to tbo arrival of tbosa BLUE and BLACK LAWNS—the very lut - est out; also SCOTCH GINGHAMS uud COLORED DIM1TIES. A full liue of these goods. Special attention is also called to our new WHITE and RED BATISTES and maguificeut SINGLE aud DOUBLE WIDTfl CRETONS—suitablefor Curtams and Furniture Coverings. Do you want to go tbe Yolcano ? B. F. EHLERS & C0. A 1 L. J. LEVEY Lessee W. R. DAILEY.. Manager Second Season of Dailey Stock Co., under the personal direction of W. R. Dailey. Saturday, ūctober 6, Augustein Dailey Celebrated Comedv A NIGHT 0FF! >i! e | :i ; l. » e ! 6 o ! a l. i ‘l ar ! ā\ Doors open at 7:30. Curtain wi!l rise at 8 o’e’.oek prompt. Box p ! an will open at tbe office of L. J- Levey for the opening nigbt ou Mond»y, Sept. 24, at 9 A. M. se22 td REAL ESTATE AGENCT. ; io j Moases to rent «nd for ade. ** R nts collected, conveyancing in all its br»uches attended to witb promptness and de8p»tch, lu Real Estate Agexct 4 103 Fort St. rc JJHCK £TH\D 9t COKXER 1>V N’uuanu and Beretanī» Street?. A BoT5t TeLephose»:GOOD. HELIABLE amo 86 tf! iv2T tf GiVXL DEIV r ££&