Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 15, 5 October 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

rr INSL T RAN T CE,^ FIRE AND MAPINE THE CNDERSIGNED IS AUTHORIZED T0 TAKE FIRE axd MAlUNE RISKS ON Buildiiiu:s, Merchandise, Hulls- Cara:oes, Hr*ei<£hts and Commissions At Curront Rates, in the FdIlowiug Cos. namely: ROYAL INSURANCE OOMPANY, LIVEBPOOL, ALLIANOE ASSURANCE FIRE & MAHINE, LONOON, WILHELMA OF MADGKBIIBG GENER \L 1NSURANCE CO. 8UN INSURANCE COMPANY, 9AN FHANCISCO. J. S. AVAI .KER, £JV"Agent for the Hawaiian Islands. mMWAT k P0RTER : Rohinson Block, Holel St., heiween F>M and Nuuanu, Have Just Receivfd, per Late Arrivals, tLe i aifcst SlccL cf FL'E N1TURE Ever Imported to this Country, Comprising H ndsome Carved Bedroom Sets In Sol iel Oak. and ot Ihe hATEST DhSIGNS. ESPECIAL ATTENT10N IS CALLED TO THES£ SETS: WICKER WAR.B, Beautiful Des'gns of Wiclter Ware, cpnsisting of SOFAS, CHA1RS, KOCKERS. etc.,you ean get these in ony FINISH you desire, CHAĪRS, Countless numbers of CHAIRS, iu everv stvle, including OFFICE and HIGH CHAIRS. TAELES, We bavo had a number of calls for tbese Tab!es, with CHAIRS fco . match. We have now in stock tbe most BEAUTIFUL DINING ROOM FURNITURE £\ ER SEEN HERE. ( Sideboards and -:- Chiffoniers n> i -\rjk. isr „ ■N3 Divans covered with PORTIERS are bccorniug quite the rage iu i plaee of LOUNGES—we mannfacfcure Unem to order. and have a ; laige stock of PORTIER3 to selcct from. BEDEĪITO Greut Assortmout of EN Vv 1RE MATTEESSES—Spring, H.!ir, Mo38, Wool and Straw Mattresses on hand and made to order i LIVE GEESE FEATHERS and SILK FLOSS for Piliows. CRIRS, CRADLES, etc. WINDOW SHADES of all colors and sizos. C0RNICE POLES, iu wood or brass trimmings. B IKI LT;0-_ Maltresses, Louuges aud all Upholstered Fnrnituro repaired at rcasonable rttes. CABINET MAKINO, iu ali its branches, by Competent Workmen MATT1NG LAH» and Intt rior Decorating undcr tbe Snpervisiou of Mr. GEORGE ORDWAY Our Goods are First Class, and our prices aro t!ie lowest Corae and be cqnvinctd —a triul is solicited. Bell 525. telephokes: Muluai 645. ORDWAY A PORTEB, Robinson Block. between Fort and Nunanu Telfphones: Bell 351 |Mutual 417 Hesidence: Mutual 410 P. O. Box 117 F. B. THOMAS, C0NTRACT0R and BUILDER iCstimates Given on A. 11 Kinds OF BH, IUtl\ ST0NE 4 WDEN BLILDINGS AU Kinds of Jobbing in the Building Trade 4 Attended to. KEEP8 FOR 8ALE: BnoK. Lime, Cement, Irou Stone Pipe and Fittings, Oid & New Corrngated Iron. Minlon .Tile5, Quarry Ti!os, assortod siies and colors; OKliIonua aml Monterey Sand, Granite Cnrbing and Blooks, etc.. etc. i Corncr King Ci Srmth St*. OFFICE €i YARD: Office Hours, fitou M., ( MO 4 P M. 1