Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 15, 5 October 1894 — A CAPITAL SHOW. [ARTICLE]


Eaeh Performance Increasea the Popnlarity of Dailey’s Co. Those who bravetl theelements last evening to atteml the production of ‘ A Wife's Devotiou” wore amply rewarded, in fact a more thoroughly pleased aiulienee, we have uever seeu in this city. They were appreciative to a degree; so mueh so, that ou several occasions in tho third and fonrth acts they became noisity demonstralive, and the performers were comj>elled to awuit the subsiding of a geuuine burst of admiration and pleasure. There is uothing really new in the actiou dialogue or plot, but from tho second to last acts the iuei- \ dentsof puthos aud humor follow I so rapidly that the auditor is kept ! on Ihe gui vive continually. Kate | I>algleish was seen to exceilent | advautage as ixate Medland, her j pathetic scenes being handled artistically and etfective. Mor- | timer Suow was usually strongas Gilbert Medlaud and Lonis Belmour as repulsive a melo- dramatic viilian as one could wish. Nenclus of pleasnre thongh,come tbrough Al. H. Uallett as Solomon isaacs the jew with a “n’ey ! iike a h’ēagle." lt was a well mcKiulated and not over-drawn ebaractetisation in whieh the yonng man established himself a favonte. Mrs. Belmonr was foreihie as Ada the wronged wife • and Miss Nann&xy petite aud pretty as Laura. Mr Nannary added weight and dignity to Sir Frederick; Mr. Weiner did his amail character bit very well; Mr. Scott vas pleasing as Mr. Winford and Little Dena Wolters played ma»ter Arthor very nicely. Betveen the first and second aot» Mollie Stockmeyer iutrodnced her w*».!tz fantastic. She is a lithe gracefal dancer and her eoeiome vas a marvel of beantv. m Ihe etfect voald have been heighlened lhroogh a e&leium to aupplani very badiy h«ndled light» Man»gvr DaileV i»

to be eongratulated as eaeh per- , form«nce bring5twtb some member wbose ligh't bas been par- | tially *'bid nnder abusbel." To-1 morrow nigbt.wesre to have Ang- ! nstin D.ily’s celebrated comedy ‘A Night OtT' whieh contains a nigbt in New York with Henrr : D*xey asJunius BrutusSnap. The advance sale is large. . a —