Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 16, 6 October 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Jhr 2i(iUmma (taln\dar. OCT. 18»». L*»t x n r.«sr I Oct « Full Mooa, '14 Fn»t ' ••21 •23 V»3HlCL'n* POI»T. V(iU VWBA H p M s J • y*vnth. M*y, B.C. ■ K EBOU vn» o. ,sc TI»o»|«o«,!8mi Fnu». f v • !*. -»»-n-.ti. rort RUkely. V. c- .l<ir}r**n!«i, 8 F. **lia. "anl. Knn-ka. _ MmiIia n«VKl«.<>tu»x B. C. tt <. Ir<vin Wnlinni»*, S F. >1-1- -• K:ilb. Ne«cas*tle. .\v <jInlhok B , nhm t Newe»»Ue N S W. _ o PRitbct, «omaon, S P. J ; ‘ Pnwn. NVwc’»stle. N 8 W, ]> 1’.--t, J»f>.l*Mi.» F. y_. ' i i'idio» Nt-1» >n. F»ng'« W. £ ; \v H iMniomi. Nil*m. S F. !■ j K«UI )«•> V»:W*tW MPE<TtD. A & , t W S Phelpa... .0«y*« Har Dne « f 5£g V m > s JI.iripoRa.,. -8ydi»ay 8ept 27 ii k 0 S s Oeeaiiie.. .8 F Oct - c Amw* Sy<luey Oct 2 _ ,.tLt rt Lewere...Iav««n I<i..,.Oct 4 Oct 6 6cLi 0 s. 8. An>«tralia hr p M S S < i>y >>f l’eknij{.Yokoh.una. .Oct 9 Iji.vs.in M Oct 10 BaU.i7.ir K'W. ..Nowcastle..,..Oct 20 Ger tk l’aul Im ulierg.. Bremen.... .Nor 1 K ;t. nlieek Liverpool Nov 23 -j ip H F' i!Hde LUeipool Dec 25 F«U>:i«>' M \ 11, SFKVICE. S;ea'iisl. ! i , H w >" Ieave for aml arr ve lrn a San Franciaco and other foreign on or »bout the following >latefi, Ull the close of 1S94. lfAvr Hosoi.ui.rDrE at Honolulu r.a Sas’ Fhasci«X)..F*. San Frakcisoo 0IVaSC0UVER. j 0B VaN' 0CTER. Aaxtralu Jnne23 Australja Jnne 16 VSd Bl ,wai Juue 2H Arawa Jnne 23 W»rri:nco.... July 1 Mr.riix>aa JnlyS Aa-auli-i Jnly 21 Anstralia Jnly 14 Alii:, 1» Jnly 26 NVarriuioo.. .July 23 Aw»M Aug. 1 Monowai Ang. 2 An*»ralia....Aug. !S Australia Ang. 11 M*r.|' -a Ang.23 Aniwa Ang. 23 Wammoo Sq>t. I Alame la Aug. 30 Aū»tmli» Sept. 15 Australia Aepl. 8 Mouowai,...Sc|>t. 22 Wanimoo.. . Lept. 23 Ar»wa Oct. 3 Marijx)«a.... Lept. 27 Au»tmlia Oct. 10 AnaUalia Oct. 6 AI.ime<l» Oct. 18 Amwa Oct. 23 Warrimoo Nov. 1 Monowai ....Oct. 25 Au»tmlia Nov. 10 An»tralia Nor. 3 Marip a Nov. 15 Alameda Nov. 29 Anw» D*'C. 1 \Varrimoo.. .Nov.23 Au«tmlui Dec. 8 Anstralia Doc. 2 M u wai ,...Dec. 13 Marii»osa....Dec. 20 Wamiii > Dec. 30 Arawa Dec. 22 Austnvlia... .Dec. 31 Talk aboufc braying asses. The iowuis full of tbem. McBrayer’s tbiskoy is only io bo fonud at the Etupire Saloon. And when it’s found it stays —and brays. * Ku Ucqna of theEmpire Saloon bas made a new deal whieh will loueh the hoarts, or at least the 1 alatcs of many u thirsfcy wanderer. Ho keeps •'half-and-half” oū draught and servos a most de lieioua aud eool beverage, far suporior lo “plain” boor. se 17 tf J. J. Williams tbe well-kuown Artistic Photographer is making « spocialty of portraits on Watch Dials and Silk Haudkerchiefs. Complete sets of Lantern slides lectures ean bo bad at the gallery. For thoy are sold at a reasonable figuro by the dozen or by the hundred. * L. B. KEHR’S ANN0UNC EM ENT!

I H.WE JUST UECEIVEU A L \ RG E AsaORTMENT OK . KINK St'ITlN6S, elegant, i»atterns, ANp LATEST STA’LES. Tlio*c poods will be eokl in »ny Quanlity from n HW Yard$ I)owi XO flSO08H to Make a Si»gle< Scrr l —ANT> AT — HABD TISE PRIPES i L. B. kllKK. - . UPOiTCP, «.* I .. ■%