Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 16, 6 October 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

& L -

L. J. LEVEY... W. R. DAILEY. ... Lessee . Manager

Second Season of Dailey Stock Co., under the peraonal direction of W. R. Daiij:t. Saturday, October 6, Dailey Celebrated Comedy A NIGHT OFF! Door» opeo 7:30. Cartaia wiil rise at 8 o’eloele proicpt. Box p'ao wUl opeo at the office of L. J Levejr for the r,pening night on Monia}*, Sepi 34, at 9 a. *. ae23td KEAL ESTATE AGEHSCY. Hons«s to rect and ior s?lo, B n.i coUected, conveyaacing in all iia br«ncbes *ttonde<i to witb ipromptneas *nd deap’tcb, 11 HOAOULU Br.AU Bbtate A0E5CT t 103 Fort &i