Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 16, 6 October 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Long Branch -8ATH)HGEstablishment. • Tbis Fir*l-Cl sW Balhing has been enltrged snd is now ooen to tbe puhlie, It ie the best plsce on thf islsnds to enjoy a Bath, snd there ie no better olsce to !sy ofl. gpeci*l sccomroodstion« for - die*. Tr«n>car8 pas* the door everv hslf boar. snd on Saturdays *nd 8undsys every fifteeo minulee. C. J. SHERWOOD, ; v 24 Proprietor. Extra 0RDINARY Good NEWS KOB .... HOUSEWIVES and MATRlMoNI • ALLYINOUNEO MEN. S. Kubey & Co., No 418 Nuuanu sireet. oppotite Central Me«t Market J3«cond Hand Furniturc Dealers. have imp">rtod an eriormou» amounl of FURNITURE! From the Coast They are propared lo SELL Ihe lte8t Articles at L()WEST PH1CES Mi»nev iatight and none of us have more tban we know wh it to do with. KUBKY & CO. reab7.e this, and are aecreaBiug profils to suit the times. lf \ ou kuow the valueof money desl witn S. Kl BKY & CO, lor in their store, One l>olbr goes forther towar<1 buying FCKMTURE than throe at any olher pl.ee m ihe towr. On SatrrJay evenings, oj«n to 9 H.M. l>on’t f'»rget the address S. KUBEY & CO, Oppo. Oentral M. Mrrrket Porsons having Knraiture to sell will do well by cal»ing on u> . selO tf. KEE. HORSESHOEING SHOP, Maunakea * Pauahi Street. Sfw Mt ali ronnd f 1 50 OU set «U rouud • ®> Seit IKx»r to No. 6 Engine Ho«»e. • »QK 1 “ itohak,” I MPORT£R am' DEALER IN OENEUAL I MercUAndise. KiclawTel.r of J«p*ne«e M«na{«cture —WHULES>ALK 4 RF,TAIL. 204 and 206 Fort Stnet. r.O. Box 116 MuIuaI Tele. SK. jyl« THE COMMERCIAL < 8AL00N HARRrV(LEMUE.^Manager Cor. Nuuanu £ Beretani& sts. Honolulo, H. 1. The Only 8portmg Houae in Town. O. P. 8. a 9pecialiiv. LOHENOKIN LAGKB |B£ER Alw&ys on*Drsught 2 GLA8SES FOB 25 CENTS. » ■ 9 Be*t of WiMēā, Ltquors, and Ci£art, x P alwayb ob hakd. ĪIU