Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 16, 6 October 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

G0NSALVE5 1 A3w»t« or '.iiH -- . of tlK Vcrj Best Pioneer Soap I» Ciw of 4).. 42, W, «3 *3j 70 Bi--THIS SOAP 1? THF Fia$st īmported Hsrg. SPECIAL PR1CES FOR r A?r , IN LOTS JA& AlNSīEV 4 C(flirs Celebrated Brands of SC0TCH WlllSKEī y<t melu: BEN AL1)0CH1.A,\. Ainsley’s OLl) BIended Glenlivet GLE ,N10N EKlm. S[>.via • 6LENLI0N SPECIAL LIOLEIK SC0TCH WhISKEY City - Carriage Co. Blacksmith Shop 107 KING STREET D. BEf\lT, Mjp$8 Blacksmith Work a;.p Camag2 Repairing PAINTING : AN I) : TR1MMING In all its Branches. at Hed Ruck Prices. Mutual Telephone 38li Give U8 a L’ali and ji;dg for yourse!f. jy23 ADUmiSTRATIŪN’S >: NOIKU. THE UNDERSIONED bavinir i i da> appointed Administrator of the K<fsteoi Petklo Kakoe (k)Uu o( Honu nln. Oahu dec«Med. Notice is hercby civen to ai (n : • r» ot the deccaeed to present tbeir elaim» wbe'ber secured by M'>rtpure, or othirni»e daly autheodicated and with t*e proper v »ti> ;er*. if any cxUtTo the undt - nttent'd wi:l. r; ‘ t month8 from the daft- hereof or th ■y »;i' Le forerer barred; and all person» iadvMed ’• the »ald decva»ed are reqne.»t to m.ike aimediate payment at tbc Otflcc of J. K. Kallia, C’omer of (Jueen au'l N .»3» Street«, Up-8fair*. K.\Ill PETELO K.VKtti _ Admini-trator of the E#tat' it' P»telo Kakoi, (k) deecased. Honoluiu, 8epl II, 1SW. -il ->■ YJt)IC CHAX, DEAI EK IN Fiqs E{ood$ Fine Tailorin? Fine Chine«e aiui Japanese Handkerchiefs Nos. 31 to 33 Nuuanu St. H >00* lulu, P.O. Box 253. jy"> J. H. TRUSCHLEK. Boot & Shv>emake 130 Fort Street. Rcpairing, neatly Done% h 8ole and heel witb pegs, flliali 8oIe and heel 8«wing, S1 » ao7 medeiros & eo. Merchnnt eanean. Eo*lUh aa,t 8-,. » Tweedaon h*u»d pw i S. o: e kr.